Coming through for Heidi
by Jon Manchester
A popular downtown Vernon eatery and its customers came through big time for a grieving local family.
The Fig Bistro gave the entire day's proceeds on Thursday, along with additional donations, to the family of Heidi Bannick, who recently lost her battle with cancer.
The Fig's David Scarlatescu said the day raised $7,139 and was so busy there was a lineup out the door for five straight hours. Peter's Tirecraft made a large $1,000 donation.
The restaurant even ran out of food during the fundraiser for the mother of three's family.
"We are absolutely blown away," said Scarlatescu. "Our staff worked like super-humans."
He added the response was so overwhelming, the bistro went through three days worth of food.
"Absolutely speechless," he said.
Bannick, 47, was the best friend of Scarlatescu's mother, Beatrice.
She described their friendship as that of "soul sisters," noting their children all grew up together.
"Such a loving, caring, family," she said "...really special people."
Bannick had battled colon cancer for the past three and a half years.