Department of Agriculture issue Status Red forest fire warning


Due to current weather patterns the warning will remain active from today until Monday, June 1

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has issued a Status Red forest fire warning that will remain in place across the June Bank Holiday weekend.

Due to current weather patterns an extreme forest fire risk is deemed to exist in "areas where hazardous fuels such as dead grasses, heather and gorse exist."

The Status Red warning will remain in place from today until 12pm on Monday, June 1 when it will revert to Status Orange until further notice.

The warning reads: “Fire behaviour will be influenced by light to moderate easterly and south easterly winds that may exceed 20kph in coastal areas. Fire behaviour may be moderated by increased live growth in places.

“Overall, forest fire risk is likely to be compounded by ignitions risks associated with expected high levels of public activity in fire-prone areas during the bank holiday weekend.”

The Department of Agriculture has issued the below advice in relation to the forest fire warning.