Csaba Molnár: Orbán demanding an apology over the return of emergency powers is a cruel joke ǀ View

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Have you heard the joke of the month? Viktor Orbán, the prime minister of Hungary, is demanding an apology from all those who criticised him and his government for the recent Hungarian law giving him unlimited powers to govern by decree. As we all recall, all EU member states’ parliaments gave special powers to their governments to fight the coronavirus. But Hungary was the only country in the EU where such empowerment had no limitation in time.

Now, the Hungarian government has submitted a bill designed – allegedly – to revoke the Enabling Act, Orbán’s very own Ermächtigungsgesetz (Hitler’s Enabling Act of 1933). Immediately afterwards, the Hungarian prime minister has theatrically demanded that his critics publicly admit their “guilt.” “Come and see, all the evil propaganda was fake, Mr Orbán did not abuse the powers he built for himself,” say his supporters. His argument does remind one of another joke from communist times. Children are playing in front of Lenin’s house. Inadvertently, they kick the ball through the window of his study. Lenin, the benign leader, returns their ball with a gentle smile on his face. “Although he could have had them shot…” – goes the punchline.

For us, who trust institutions rather than “good emperors,” Orbán’s Enabling Act remains unconstitutional, even if it was ultimately revoked. And so, instead of applauding his greatness, we remember the words of the Trojans: “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!” Let’s therefore have a closer look at this “gift” and you will stop laughing. The list of decisions the Orbán-government havehad passed under the Enabling Act is rather controversial. Instead of revealing a mighty strategy to fight the pandemic, it gives testimony of something completely different:

Orbán’s defenders face having a hard time when they wish to claim that the Enabling Act was needed to fight the pandemic.

Going further, it should be stressed that the Revocation Bill does not revoke anything. Instead, it empowers the prime minister to end the emergency – if and when he sees fit. Nor does it not annul any controversial decision adopted under the Enabling Act. So, instead of returning to normality, the new bill simply replaces the previous law with a new Enabling Act. And this new one is even worse than the one it replaces, because it completely eliminates parliament from the game, depriving it even of its fig-leaf prerogative to withdraw those emergency powers. Three outstanding democracy watchdogs in Hungary have stated that “the emergency can never end,” and, sadly, they are completely right.

In one thing I agree with Orbán, namely that apologies are indeed long due. It’s high time for Mr Orbán to apologise to the Hungarian people and to the Europeans for his sins.Csaba Molnár
Member of the European Parliament

In future – according to the Revocation Bill – the government would have the right to announce a medical emergency at the proposal of the Chief Medical Officer, who is, needless to point out, appointed by the prime minister. With this, the Orbán government can, at any time, return to a state of emergency similar to the current one, but this time without the slightest involvement of parliament.

Thus, Orbán continues his peacock-dance (copyright of Prime Minister Orbán himself): He is further deteriorating democratic institutions, while trying to position himself as a democratic champion. He pretends to restore constitutional order voluntarily, never admitting that he would yield to the pressure of the domestic opposition, the EU, and the international community. And, as always, even in retreat, he seeks to further advance ahead. His gesture is nothing else than a foul decoy to cover up his real motives. His demand for an apology is a sinister joke.

Nevertheless, in one thing I agree with Orbán, namely that apologies are indeed long due. It’s high time for Mr Orbán to apologise to the Hungarian people and to the Europeans for his sins.

Csaba MolnárEuropean Parliament

Csaba Molnár is a Member of the European Parliament and head of the Democratic Coalition party’s delegation to the European Parliament.


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