PlayStation 5 not delayed, confirmed for global launch this holiday


In case you hadn’t noticed the hype train for PlayStation 5 has kicked in to gear, we’re getting a new look at the console and hopefully some games on June 4th, and Sony Interactive Entertainment’s president and CEO Jim Ryan has now confirmed that despite the COVID-19 pandemic the console will launch this holiday season.

“It’s been a real rollercoaster of a year,” Ryan told Gi.Biz, “We realised a couple of months ago that we were going to have to spend a lot more time paying attention to the PS4 community than we had anticipated, as that community, along with everybody else in the world, went into lockdown.”


“We have devoted a lot of effort to making sure out network works. I am really proud of what we’ve done there. The days when Sony was criticised for the resilience of its networking activity, that should be consigned to history. The levels of engagement are just off the radar screen, both in terms of the number of people and the amount of time that they are playing. And the network has stood up just fine.”

Talking about The Last of Us Part II and Ghost of Tshushima he commented “We took the cautious approach. But the games are ready to go and we are feeling really good about them.”

“I think most businesses would find themselves challenged with the working-from-home environment, and I do think the way that the various groups within PlayStation have responded has been magnificent,” he continued. “There are the hardware engineers who are having to work without being able to get into China, where PS5 will be assembled. That’s kind of tough. The software engineers who are building these great features, who are building a great PS5 UI… some of that can be readily done in isolation. But when it comes to putting it all together, that’s not easy to do remotely and they’re doing a great job.”

“And finally, the people who make games. We, and our partners, seem to be coping really well. And so we are on track. We are going to launch this holiday and we’re going to launch globally. We’re really looking forward to it and it’s going to be a blast.”

So, in short. WOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!

Source: Gi.Biz