Five fun things to do outdoors in Scotland during lockdown phase one
Scots are now free to travel to meet friends and family but have been advised to stay local.
by Sean Murphy, https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/authors/sean-murphy/Scotland has moved into phase one of lockdown easing and with the sun continuing to shine, Scots will be eager to enjoy it.
Nicola Sturgeon unveiled her four-stage 'route-map' to re-opening the country but warned Scots she expects everyone to be "careful and cautious”.
She said: "Trusting each other will be vital, as will recognising that every decision we take as individuals will have an impact on our collective wellbeing."
With families from different households now allowed to meet up outside, while continuing to social distance, there are some activities we can now look forward to this weekend.
Government guidance is that people should preferably travel by foot or bike and stay local (within five miles of their home) when exercising or seeking recreation - allowing many people access to activities in the sunshine.
Outdoor sports

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Scots will now be allowed to once again enjoy some non-contact outdoor sports so long as they are safely practiced and people adhere to social distancing.
The government has confirmed this will include the likes of lawn bowls, fishing, golf, archery, horse riding and outdoor tennis.
Hill-walking/Walking together in the park
Scots are now allowed to enjoy extended walks and with many parts of the country having access to stunning countryside and wilderness walks along coastlines and lochs and on hills will once again be top of the agenda.
Again so long as social distancing rules are adhered to, people are free to once again enjoy local walking routes.
However, shared amenities and toilets are to be avoided.
With people allowed to travel to exercise thought the temptation to head further afield may be strong for those who enjoy past times such as Munro-bagging.
However, the government recommend sticking to within the five mile rule and to avoid climbing larger hills and mountains that could result in some people needing to be rescued putting mountain volunteers at risk.
BBQs or picnics with family or friends

With the rules allowing people to meet others from one household a day, Scots can now enjoy a picnic or BBQ with friends or family.
There are some rules though, it is suggested that it be a maximum of eight people between the two households to remain safe, the garden or public area chosen must be big enough to accommodate social distancing for everyone involved.
The government are advising that people should not share food unless they are from the same household, meaning that family and friends should supply their own food and drink and use their own plates and utensils at all times.
Visitors are also advised not to enter indoors (for example to use the toilet) unless it is access the garden if that is the only way to do so.
Enjoy a bike ride with family or friends
Cycling is another popular option with the added joy of being able to include family or friends.
A great way to socialise it's also useful for adhering to social distancing - though once again the max number the government is asking people to allow is eight.
Stopping for a spot of sunbathing or group catch up in a quiet spot is also now allowed.
Visit a garden centre
With many of getting a little more green fingered and becoming more acquainted with our gardens or green spaces during the boredom of lockdown, the draw of being able to finally buy plants and gardening supplies and enjoy working in this lovely weather will be strong.
With garden centres opening their doors once again, it'll be even easier to get what you need.
This one is probably best kept to a solo trip or perhaps two people max, with social distancing and adhering to the individual centre's rules key.
Things the government are still advising you shouldn't do
Share food or drink - use your own cups, plates and utensils at all times.
Use indoor toilet facilities or shared amenities while in a public place.
Go inside other people's houses or homes when visiting.
Share cars with people from other households.
Try to visit any islands.
Take part in indoor non-contact sports such as tennis or badminton, or outdoor contact sports such as rugby or football.
Meet friends or family from more than one other household in one day.