How does oil pulling rev up your immunity? |

The age-old method of oil pulling can rev up your immune function. Read on to know how it does so and the other health benefits it offers.


The COVID-19 infection doesn’t seem to tame down soon. Any vaccine or medicine to treat the infection isn’t also likely to arrive in the near future. So, there are only a few shields available to us for protecting ourselves against the novel coronavirus: Social distancing, maintaining proper hand hygiene and wearing face masks. However, experts believe that maintaining a strong immune system can also reduce the risk of this contagious infection. In a recently released advisory, the Ministry of AYUSH has shared some self-care guidelines to boost immunity. One of them is oil pulling. Also Read - Easy yoga poses to keep your family in fine fettle during quarantine


This ayurvedic technique is a detoxification therapy that involves swishing cold pressed virgin oil on an empty stomach early in the morning. You can use coconut oil, sesame oil or even ghee for doing it. This practice, which dates back to ancient times, finds mention in Ayurvedic scriptures like Charakha Samhita. There it is referred to as Kavala Graha’ or ‘Kavala Gandoosha’. In this process, you need to swish the oil all around your mouth including the spaces in between your teeth to get rid of oral bacteria. It is believed that this process pulls the bacteria from your mouth. It may also increase your saliva production and keep your gums moist. In alternative medicine, oil pulling is also used to treat several diseases. Several studies suggest that oil pulling Also Read - Avoid these nutritional mistakes if you want to boost your immunity


According to the immune-boosting self-care guidelines of the Ministry of AYUSH, this is how you should practise oil pulling: Also Read - Nutritionist-backed meal plan to boost your immunity amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

Make sure you swish gently while using your tongue to touch all the parts of the oral cavity. Keep your jaws relaxed and chin upright.


Using cold pressed virgin coconut oil for this technique will surely be immune boosting. According to experts, it is loaded with naturally occurring lauric acid and Vitamin E. Both boost immunity. The other immune boosting element in cold pressed virgin coconut oil is Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFAs). They are anti-viral in nature.  MCFAs also kill microorganisms like bacteria by affecting their membranes. Lauric acid, on the other hand, can make viruses and bacteria ineffective by disturbing their protective lipids. A component of this acid, known as monolaurin, can reduce the virus load of people living with HIV, herpes, measles, etc., find studies.


Apart from revving up your body’s immune function, oil pulling can be beneficial for various other oral heath conditions. Bacteria in the mouth are responsible for many gum health issues including bad breath and cavities. Several studies have shown that oil pulling with sesame oil can be as effective as a mouthwash in killing those harmful microorganisms. Coconut oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Oil pulling with it is also instrumental in alleviating inflammatory gum diseases like gingivitis. It can also halt plaque build-up. Preliminary evidences suggest that this ayurvedic technique can work as a natural teeth whitening agent. It removes stain from the teeth, lending them a whitening effect. However, more research is required to validate the efficacy of oil pulling.