Strength training: Know the secret to better results |

Before you start strength training, you must first acquaint yourself with a few dos and don’ts that will lead to better results. Read on to know more.


If you are looking for a perfect workout regime that will provide you a range of health benefits, then you need to do more strength training. This boosts heart health, improves balance, strengthens bones and also helps you lose weight. Strength training is also known as weight or resistance training. The workouts are designed to improve muscular fitness by exercising a specific muscle or muscle group against external resistance, including free-weights, weight machines or even your own body weight. You need to apply a load to the muscle so that it adapts and gets stronger. Strength training can be performed by people of all ages and by even those with chronic conditions like heart disease, obesity or arthritis. Also Read - Strengthen your back with these effective exercises

Now since you are confined to your house because of the COVID-19 lockdown, this is the perfect time to catch up on your strength training. But before you start, you must first acquaint yourself with a few dos and don’ts that will lead to better results. Also Read - Fitness workouts: Try out these hip stretches for better flexibility and a strong back

Here are a few tips to make your strength training workouts more effective. Also Read - A few effective exercises for your child during lockdown

Start with a warm up

Always remember to start your workout with a warm up for about 5 to 10 minutes. This will yield better results. Likewise, you also need to cool down post exercise. You can do a few stretches or just jog on the spot.

Breathing is important

You need to pay attention to your breathing while you are performing your exercises. Exhale fully as you work against resistance or when you are by lifting, pushing or pulling. Likewise, inhale deeply while releasing.

Challenge your muscles

You must keep up the challenge to your muscles. You can do this by gradually increasing the weight or resistance. Once your muscles gets used to a certain weight, replace it with a heavier one. Choose weight that can tire the targeted muscle or muscles. This will allow you to maintain good form.

Stick to a regular routine

This is very important. It will make you disciplined and you will be less likely to get out of it by making some flimsy excuse. Regular workout is necessary for building muscle mass and making your bones strong. If you workout five days a week and then just one day the next week, you will not be able to enjoy the desired results. So be consistent and regular with your strength training workouts.

Rest is important too

It is important to give your muscles some time to rejuvenate and repair. So, the best way of going about this is by working out on alternate days. You must also get a good night’s sleep and rest properly so that you can give your all to your training. This will help you get better results.

Don’t neglect your post-workout nutrition

If you consume a mix of easily digested protein and carbs within 15 minutes of finishing your strength session, your body will be better able to repair and build muscle fibers. For this you can have your favourite protein shake after your workout. This will provide fuel to your muscles and build muscle mass.