RPSC Reopens Window For 28 Physiotherapist Vacancies Reopened, Apply on rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
The online application process will, notably, begin from June 1 and end on June 15.
RPSC Recruitment 2020: The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has reopened its application window for the recruitment of 28 physiotherapists. Interested and eligible candidates can apply online at rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. Also Read - RPSC 1st Grade Teacher Admit card 2019 Out on Official Website, Download Now
The online application process will, notably, begin from June 1 and end on June 15. In order to apply, candidates will first have to register on sso.rajasthan.gov.in. There, they can generate their SSO IDs to apply for the posts. Also Read - RPSC 2nd Grade Teacher Result 2019 Out, Check at rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
In order to apply, a candidate has to be between 18-40 years of age. Additionally, he/sheshould have a diploma in physiotherapy from a recognised university along with a working knowledge of Devnagri script and knowledge of the culture of Rajasthan. Also Read - RPSC FDO/AFDO Exam 2019: Admit Cards Released, Download From rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
The age relaxations are as follows: five years for SC/ST/SBC, 10 years for SC/ST/SBC women, no age limit for widow/divorcee and 10-15 years for handicapped candidates.
Candidates also need to pay registration fees of Rs 350, which will be Rs 250 for OBC and Rs 150 for SC/ST and physically handicapped candidates.
The press note with regards to reopening of the application window can be accessed on the official website. For this, candidates first need to go to rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in and, on the homepage, under ‘News and Events,’ click on the link with regards to this recruitment drive.
Or, candidates can click here to access the press note directly.
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