Why I love sports: Reader responses for Friday, May 29

'Dad is gone' but games keep spirit alive
My dad played baseball and basketball when he was in Tribbey High School, and his team won the district championship in 1937, his senior year. His passion for sports continued as he played softball in independent leagues until he was 45 years old.
He would take my sister and I to any game that he heard had a good team. He put up a basketball goal on the garage so we could practice shots anytime. I officially started playing basketball in junior high, but I was short so I didn’t make the A team. However, the B team was in a tournament at Macomb at the same time as the A team, so our coach asked my dad to coach us. I made 23 free shots and we won the game. My dad and I were so excited to win the trophy that we hugged when I came off the floor.
My dad and I loved watching Thunder play. I was devastated when Kevin Durant left the team, and when Russ Westbrook was traded. However, the 2020 team was providing lots of thrills until the season was suddenly shut down along with the entire country for the coronavirus pandemic. Although my dad is gone, every time I watch a game I think of the good times we shared playing and watching sports.
Arthenia Haney, Tecumseh
Why do you love sports? Email us your response at NICsportsdesk@oklahoman.com.