50 Harry Potter quiz questions and answers including rounds on spells, creatures and Hogwarts
Hogwarts expert? We've created a tricky quiz for you to take on
by Pia Dimmer, Sam DimmerWe've all taken part in a stack of general knowledge quizzes this lockdown and quite frankly we're all a bit bored of them.
The time has come to deal with the really important stuff - like the greatest series of books ever written.
So if you consider yourself an expert on all things Harry Potter (including the really weird stuff that only obsessive fans know) then see how you get on with our 50 question quiz.
We've got rounds on stacks of different things, from the wizarding world to creatures, spells and Harry Potter statistics.
See how you get on, and remember to post your score in the comments.
Harry Potter who's who
- Name Harry Potter's parents.
- Which famous rugby player was Hagrid actor Robbie Coltrane's stunt double?
- What is the name of Harry Potter's owl?
- Which actor played the character Cedric Diggory?
- Who reads the Harry Potter audiobooks?
- Who is Draco Malfoy's dad?
- Which actor played the character Bellatrix Lestrange?
- Name Ron Weasley's parents.
- Name Ron Weasley's brothers.
- Name Ron Weasley's pet rat.
- Who did Ron Weasley's pet rat used to belong to?
- Who played Ron Weasley's pet rat when he became human?
- Name Luna Lovegood's father.
- James and Lily Potter
- Martin Bayfield
- Hedwig
- Robert Pattinson
- Stephen Fry
- Lucius Malfoy
- Helena Bonham Carter
- Arthur and Molly
- Fred, George, Percy, Charlie and Bill
- Scabbers
- His brother Percy
- Timothy Spall
- Xenophillius Lovegood
Creatures of Harry Potter
- Why did the house-elf Dobby appear at Harry's home?
- Who was the first goblin Harry ever met?
- What creature is Aragog?
- What was Hagrid's pet dog called?
- Name the centaur who taught at Hogwarts.
- Who were the four founders of Hogwarts?
- What animal could Peter Pettigrew turn into
- What was the name of Lord Voldemort's loyal snake?
- Who killed Dobby by throwing a knife at him?
- He came to warn Harry about the plot to reopen the Chamber of Secrets
- Griphook
- Acromantula
- Fang
- Professor Firenze
- Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin (one point for each correct answer)
- Ron's pet rat, Scabbers
- Nagini
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Name the killing curse.
- How would you spell the spell you would use to disarm someone?
- What spell would you use to light the tip of your wand?
- What spell would you use to open a door?
- What spell would you use to get rid of a nasty boggart?
- What spell would you use to conjure a patronus?
- Avada Kedavra
- Expelliarmus (only get a point if spelt correctly)
- Lumos
- Alohomora
- Riddikulus
- Expecto Patronum
Harry Potter
- How did Harry Potter get his scar?
- What's inside Harry Potter's wand?
- Who was Harry Potter's first crush?
- What position did Harry Potter play at Quidditch?
- What relation was Sirius Black to Harry?
- What was Harry’s Patronus?
- Voldemort struck him with the Killing Curse when he was a baby
- A feather from Fawkes, Albus Dumbledore's phoenix
- Cho Chang
- Seeker
- Godfather
- A stag
The wizarding world
- Which platform at Kings Cross Station do Hogwarts' pupils use to access the Hogwarts Express?
- Dumbledore is an old fashioned word for bumblebee - true or false?
- How did Cedric Diggory die?
- How did Harry find the Philosopher's Stone?
- What is a Horcrux?
- Who does Hermione Granger become when she takes a Polyjuice Potion to break into Gringotts Bank?
- Name the tree that Arthur Weasley's flying car crashes into.
- Name three people who taught defence against the dark arts teachers at Hogwarts.
- How did Neville Longbottom help defeat the dark lord?
- 9 3/4
- True
- He was killed by Peter Pettigrew with the Killing Curse
- It appeared in his pocket
- An object formed by dark magic
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- The whomping willow
- Any three from Quirinus Quirrell, Gilderoy Lockhart, Remus Lupin, Bartemius Crouch Jr, Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody, Dolores Umbridge, Severus Snape, Amycus Carrow.
- He destroyed his final Horcrux - the snake Nagini
Harry Potter statistics
- How many Harry Potter books have been published in total?
- When was the first Harry Potter book released?
- When was the first Harry Potter film released?
- Where did JK Rowling start writing the Harry Potter books?
- What is the longest Harry Potter book?
- How many copies of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone were printed in the book's first print run?
- What is the most frequently used word in the Harry Potter books?
- 11 in total (but you can accept 7 - as those are the number of main story books)
- 1997
- 2001
- Edinburgh (but you could also accept Spoon, The Elephant House, Traverse Theatre Cafe or the Balmoral Hotel)
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
- 500
- Harry