Footage shows moment Irish seals face off with hungry seagulls over fish in Co Louth
The seagulls flapped their wings at the seals to make them drop their catch
by Niall MoonanA fight between hungry seagulls and a group of seals over some fish off the coast of Co Louth was filmed on Wednesday.
It's typical, you settle down for a nice fish supper and can't eat in peace.
And it seems these harbour seals are no different as a flock of hungry seagulls battles them for dinner.
The feisty birds swooped on the mammals moments after they dived for fish at sunny Clogherhead pier in the Wee county.

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Onlookers watched as they flapped their wings at the seals' heads to force them to drop their catch.
The footage showed the seals surrounded by around 30 seagulls attempting to steal their food.
The seals are a permanent fixture at the thriving fishing village's harbour and were recently joined - albeit temporarily - by a pod of dolphins.
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