4607 stranded citizens have reached Nagaland till date
Staff Reporter/Correspondent
DIMAPUR/KOHIMA, MAY 29(NPN): Altogether 4607 stranded citizens have reached Nagaland till date while more are expected to reach in the coming days
According to the data made available from the Control Room Empowered Group Dimapur, 609 stranded citizens reached Nagaland on May 29, out of which 369 were from Rajasthan, Delhi-8 , Dibrugarh-1, Tamil Nadu-4, Kolkata-128, Guwahati-2, Uttrakhand-4 and Punjab-93. On May 28 night, a special train from Andhra Pradesh 72 stranded persons of Nagaland reached Dimapur.
It was also informed that a special train departed from Goa carrying 435 stranded citizens on May 28 and was expected to reach Lumding/Dimapur on June 1.
Speaking to Nagaland Post, principal director School Education, Shanavas C said as per the existing SOP all returnees will be transported to Dimapur and Kohima quarantine centres where everyone will be screened.
During the daily briefing on Friday, principal secretary Home, Abhijit Sinha informed that a total of 12,836 citizens had signed up in the nCOVID-19 Nagaland– Visitors App since March 23, 2020.
Sinha said that 2298 persons have submitted their travel self-declaration during the past 14 days. At present 2017 persons are being digitally monitored through the App, he added.
As per the May 13 summary report by Data Analyst Team COVID-19 Empowered Group, at least 12,536 stranded people from Nagaland were expected to arrive in the state from Red Zone, 3239 from Orange Zone and 2575 from Green Zone.
As per the report, Dimapur was to receive 8657-- 6328 from Red Zone, 1262 from Orange Zone and 1067 from Green Zone) followed by Mon with 1944-- 907 from Red Zone, 749 from Orange Zone and 288 from Green Zone. However, officials said the tally would differ from time to time.