June 2020 week one fuel price – RON 95 goes up to RM1.43, RON 97 to RM1.73, diesel up 10 sen to RM1.61
by Anthony LimAnother Friday, which means its time for the regular weekly fuel price update. Not so pleasant news yet again for motorists as fuel prices continue on an upward climb for coming May 30 to June 5 week.
The ministry of finance has announced that Euro 4M RON 95 petrol will be priced at RM1.43 per litre, up five sen from the RM1.38 it was last week. Likewise, there’s a five sen increase for RON 97, which will now be priced at RM1.73 per litre in the coming week (RM1.68 last week).
As for Euro 2M diesel, that sees a 10 sen increase to RM1.61 per litre (RM1.51 last week), so this means that Euro 5 diesel, which costs 10 sen more than Euro 2M diesel, will now be priced at RM1.71 per litre in the coming week.
The ministry says that the increase is influenced by the climbing price of the refined product, in line with the increase in global crude prices.
These prices will remain in effect until June 5, when the next fuel price update is announced. This is the 21st edition of the weekly fuel pricing format for 2020 and the 73rd edition in total for the format, which runs from Saturday until the following Friday.