SECTION 153 OF THE PLANNING ACT 2008 AND REGULATION 6 OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING (CHANGES TO, AND REVOCATION OF, DEVELOPMENT CONSENT ORDERS) REGULATIONS 2011 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO MAKE A NON-MATERIAL CHANGE TO THE FOLLOWING DEVELOPMENT CONSENT ORDER: THE PROGRESS POWER (GAS FIRED POWER STATION) ORDER 2015 (SI 2015/1570) AS CORRECTED BY THE PROGRESS POWER (GAS FIRED POWER STATION) (CORRECTION) ORDER 2016 (SI 2016/736) AND AS AMENDED BY THE PROGRESS POWER (GAS FIRED POWER STATION) (AMENDMENT) ORDER 2016 (SI 2016/1086). Notice is hereby given that an application has been made by Progress Power Limited (“PPL”) of Drax Power Station, Drax, Selby Y08 8PH to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to make a non-material change to the Progress Power (Gas Fired Power Station) Order 2015 (as corrected by the Progress Power (Gas Fired Power Station) (Correction) Order 2016 and as amended by the Progress Power (Gas Fired Power Station) (Amendment) Order 2016) (“the Order”) under the Planning Act 2008 (“the Application”). The Order grants development consent for the construction, operation and maintenance of a generating station with a gross rated electrical output of up to 299 MWe comprising up to five gas turbine generators, up to five exhaust gas emission flue stacks and other development that is part of the generating station together with the gas and electrical cable connections and associated development including an electrical connection compound, made up of a substation and sealing end compound, an access road and a new road junction off the A140. The Application seeks to make a non-material change to the time limit for commencing construction by amending Requirement 1 of Schedule 2 to the Order due to the uncertainties and constraints posed by COVID-19. The time limit for commencing construction stated in Requirement 1 of the Order is 5 years from 14 August 2015. The proposed non-material change is to extend this time limit by 1 year so that the deadline for commencing construction will be 13 August 2021. A copy of the Application and its accompanying documents, plans and maps showing the nature and location of the land concerned are available for inspection, free of charge, via the Planning Inspectorate’s website and via the Progress Power project website at the following addresses: Planning Inspectorate website: -power-station/?ipcsection=overview. Progress Power project website: If the restrictions imposed by The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 (as amended) (“the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions”) are lifted before 10 July 2020, hard copies of the above-mentioned documents will be made available for public inspection as soon as practicable at the location listed below. Before the coming into force of the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, the viewing times for this venue were as listed below. They may be subject to change upon re-opening (please check with the venue):
Eye Library 6 Cross Street, Eye IP23 7AB. Monday CLOSED. Tuesday 9 am - 1 pm. Wednesday 9 am - 1 pm and 2 pm - 6 pm. Thursday 2 pm - 5 pm. Friday 9 am - 1 pm and 2 pm - 5 pm. Saturday 9 am - 1 pm. Sunday, Public Holidays 10 am - 3 pm (Sunday) CLOSED (Public Holidays).
If you require a hard copy of any of the above-mentioned documents (for example because you do not have access to a computer and are unable to view the documents on the Planning Inspectorate’s website or Progress Power project website, and the above-mentioned document deposit venue is still closed), you can request hard copies, free of charge, by contacting PPL at or on 020 8392 8250. Any representation about the Application must be made by email to:, or in writing to: National Infrastructure Planning, The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN Please quote reference Progress Power - EN010060 on any correspondence. Representations will be made public by the Planning Inspectorate. Please note that representations must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 11.59 pm on 10th July 2020.
29 MAY 2020
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