Want Tom Cruise to inspire kids to be the next Elon Musk: NASA chief
by Entertainment DeskNASA Administrator James Bridenstine says the space agency hopes to inspire the next generation with Tom Cruise’s upcoming film, which will be the first Hollywood project to be shot aboard the International Space Station (ISS), reported The Hindu.
Cruise and technocrat Elon Musk’s aviation company Space X are collaborating with NASA for the ambitious project aboard a real SpaceX vessel. Bridenstine was asked about the much-anticipated film during the launch of a SpaceX rocket ship, which has been postponed till Saturday.

“People ask me about Tom Cruise all the time now. The answer is yes, we would love for Tom Cruise to fly to the ISS and make a film. I’m all for that. We’re going to do what we can to make that happen,” he replied. “There was a day when I was in elementary school and I saw Top Gun. From that day, I knew I was going to be a Navy pilot. It’s just the way it was. The goal here (is similar) and it’s what we’re doing today (with the rocket launch).”
Musk, who was accompanying Bridenstine, said the aim is to reignite the dream of space exploration.

“Get the kids fired up about it. Get them to want that space suit and going into orbit and to the moon and to Mars. We’re reigniting the dream of space. Anyone who has within them the spirit of exploration should love what’s going on today,” he said.
Bridenstine hoped that the project would inspire the younger generation to join the armed forces. “If we can get Tom Cruise to inspire an elementary kid to join the Navy, why can’t we get Tom Cruise to inspire the next Elon Musk? That’s what we need. We need a new generation of many Elon Musks,” he added.
Doug Liman, who previously worked with the Hollywood superstar on American Made and Edge of Tomorrow, is attached as the director.