Grimes Is Selling Her Soul For $15 Million (Or Your Next Best Offer)
by By Lavender BajGrimes is selling her soul, which seems like a really ~on brand~ thing for her to do.
As if Grimes and Elon Musk haven’t already dominated the headlines enough in recent weeks since the birth of their child X Æ A-Xii, the Canadian singer is now selling a percentage of her soul as part of her debut fine-art show.
I know Elon Musk said he was selling off all of his worldly possessions after that fucked Twitter rant he went on a few weeks back, but surely we can save Grimes’ soul, right?
Her soul was initially listed for a whopping $15 million AUD, but is now listed with a “best offer” price tag, so you could potentially trade her that random spare couch in your garage for a percentage of her soul.
“Selling Out is executed as a contract in which Grimes sells a fraction of her soul, formalizing the idea that every time an artist sells a piece of their art, part of the soul is sold with it. The purchaser will enter into a contractual agreement that outlines the terms of ownership and ultimately the connection to the joy of artistic expression,” a press release from Maccarone Los Angeles reads.
According to Bloomberg, Selling Out is “a legal document whereby the purchaser acquires a percentage of Grimes’s soul.”
“I really wanted to collaborate with my lawyer on art. The idea of fantastical art in the form of legal documents just seems very intriguing to me,” she told Bloomberg.
But despite literally chucking her soul up for sale, Grimes doesn’t actually want anyone to buy it. Again, ~very~ on brand for her.
“I didn’t want anyone to buy it, so I said we should just make it $10 million and then it probably won’t sell,” Grimes told Bloomberg of her “Selling Out” piece of work.
In addition to the legal ownership of her soul, fans can also purchase physical works of art, with prints (in editions of 30) for $500, ink-on-paper drawings for $2,000-$3,000 or digital avatar prints for between $5,000 and $15,000 (depending on the size). All works come unsigned, but you’ll get a neat little certificate of authenticity to prove that you really are the legal owner of Grimes’ soul.
Honestly, I love this for her.