MediaPortal 1.25
by Bart van Klaveren
Er is een nieuwe stabiele uitgave uit de 1.x-serie van MediaPortal verschenen. Met dit programma kan een Windows-machine als hart van de multimediahardware in de huiskamer worden gebruikt. Zo kan op een eenvoudige manier naar radio en muziek worden geluisterd, en naar video's en dvd's worden gekeken. Ook kunnen tv-programma's worden opgenomen. Door middel van plug-ins en extensies kan de functionaliteit worden uitgebreid en kan de look & feel van het programma worden aangepast. Hieronder zijn de belangrijkste veranderingen uit deze uitgave voor je op een rijtje gezet:
- [MP1-4966] - Update Bass Nuget to 2.4.15
- [MP1-4995] - Recorded-TV sort-by-duration not support sorting in the reverse direction
- [MP1-5001] - YesNoDialog ignores the default control settings from the skin when the default button is not forced to Yes
- [MP1-5005] - IRTrans - fix detection server status
- [MP1-4781] - Adding madVR support - Bugfixes
- [MP1-4841] - Duplicate filenames with different lettercasing
- [MP1-5003] - Building TVPlugins - Improvement
- [MP1-5008] - The problem with scrolling text in the "listcontrol" in 4K
- [MP1-5010] - Add registry check for VS2008 Redistr installed or not in DeployTool
- [MP1-5011] - No version string on FullScreen splash window (DefaultWide HD skin)
Since Pre-Release :
- [MP1-5016] - Titan skin fixes and updates (1.25)
- [MP1-5024] - GUIDialogExif crash if GUIImage control not defined in skin ...
- [MP1-5027] - Fix Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException
- [MP1-4990] - Improve horizontal scrolling in the EPG
- [MP1-4991] - XmlTV plugin : Rename xml file from zip file to match to tvguide.xml
Improvement / Rework:
- [MP1-4986] - MyPictures Database rework with extended EXIF info. Wiki
- [MP1-4988] - Add Control.IsVisible to skin function
- [MP1-4992] - Allow other plugins reading the next PS wakeup time
- [MP1-4994] - Automatically Change Channel on Program Reminder
- [MP1-4996] - Recorded-radio sorting should be changed to be the same as recorded-TV sorting
- [MP1-4998] - Update MediaInfo Wrapper
- [MP1-4987] - Fix exceptions
- [MP1-5002] - Code cleanup
- [MP1-5004] - EPG Genre Map - SubSection moved as main Section
- [MP1-5009] - Built-in skin variable not initialised
- Language : English / Deutsch / French
- Add some Tuning Parameters
Since Pre-Release :
- [MP1-4987] - Fix exceptions
- [MP1-5011] - Add position, size, align, color (from skin) to Version, CVS labels and fix displaying version label in 4K. Wiki
- [MP1-5013] - VSYASM 1.2.0 provided as nuget package
- [MP1-5014] - Log refreshrate at Mediaportal start
- [MP1-5015] - Improving the MP1 installer (DeployTools), providing nicer GUI :)
- [MP1-5017] - Grabber searches for covers in the language of the system, then in English
- [MP1-5018] - Fix configuration design.
- [MP1-5020] - DirectX 9 SDK (June 2010) provided as nuget package
- [MP1-5021] - Libbluray (Jar ( bdj) and binary) provided as Nuget Package
- [MP1-5022] - Improving the MPE Installer, providing nicer GUI :)
- [MP1-5028] - Add Exif properties to Slide window. Wiki
- [MP1-5029] - Add the ability to choose the type of pause for designers in the slideshow. Wiki
Along with the above items we kept consolidating our software.

- 29-05 MediaPortal 1.25
- 16-02 MediaPortal 1.24
- 24-12 MediaPortal 2.2.3
- 08-'18 MediaPortal 1.20
- 10-'17 MediaPortal 1.18.0
- 07-'17 MediaPortal 2.1.1
- 05-'17 MediaPortal 2.1
- 04-'17 MediaPortal 1.16.0
- 02-'17 MediaPortal 2.1 Pre Release
- 05-'16 MediaPortal 1.15.0 Pre Release