Kapil Gulati, director, Consumer Segment, Sennheiser India

Sennheiser India’s Kapil Gulati on life beyond work

From iPad, Tag Heuer, Adidas and Asics, among others are some of this favourite brands


The Job

One of the things I absolutely love about my job and the company I’m associated with is the entrepreneurial spirit. Fairly early on in my career, I had the opportunity to be a part of the founding team of Sennheiser in India, which was a very humbling experience. Ever since then, I have constantly strived to keep that spirit alive in myself as well as my team, as it enables me to keep challenging myself. I get the opportunity to regularly interact with industry leaders across the globe, keeping the learning curve growing always.

I feel super proud to have been a part of the team that created a market for the headphone category in India. It is even more fulfilling when I see customers sharing great reviews and experiences after using our products. The only thing I don’t like is the commute time between my office and home — around four hours in total.

The Weekdays

I am an early riser and believe in getting a head start to the day. I get both my sons ready for school as my wife prepares breakfast. After dropping them to their bus stop, I go for a run and follow my exercise routine. Once I get to the office, I like to start my day catching up with the channel heads. Some days, a lot of my time is spent in networking with industry leaders. I make multiple rounds to various departments in the office throughout the day because it allows me to catch up with cross-functional teams, discussing and debating strategies and consumer insights.

To recharge myself, I take 15 minute-breaks walking outside the office. I like to spend this time connecting with my colleagues/ friends over a cup of coffee. On my way back home, I unwind and rejuvenate myself by catching up with friends and family, reading magazines or listening to audio books. I make sure to have dinner with my family and play a game or two with my kids before calling it a night.

The Weekend

Weekends are meant for family. I’ve always believed that it’s the quality of the time spent with your family that matters, not the quantity. I make sure my time with them counts and I hope they know how much I treasure it. We mostly spend our time playing badminton, watching movies and eating Maggi as a midnight snack.

The Toys

I cannot imagine life without my iPhone, iPad and Xbox.

The Logos

Some of the brands I love are Tag Heuer, Adidas and Asics.

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