Woman, 24, had to tell mum she has breast cancer on the phone
Georgia Day said: "If you find anything, tell your doctor, even if you think it's silly. I could have just left it, especially during the pandemic."
by Olivia Tobin24 year old diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer wants women to do 'one thing for her'
A 24-year-old woman diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer during the coronavirus crisis has bravely spoken about her symptoms in order to help other young women.
Recently engaged Georgia Day, from Toxteth, found out she had cancer "seemingly overnight" in April.
The 24-year-old former business support assistant was given the devastating diagnosis during the peak of coronavirus lockdown and has not been able to see her mum since.
Speaking to the ECHO, she said: "It's been so difficult. I live with my nan and my partner so having to tell them was difficult because I could just see their faces drop.
"Giving the news to my mum over the phone was absolutely heartbreaking. I think telling people has almost been as worse as being told myself."
When Georgia was just 21 she found out she had the BRCA1 gene, meaning she has a 50/50 chance of developing breast cancer.
Along with her nan, who had breast cancer, Georgia shares this gene with her mum and sister.

Because of this, Georgia said she has always been extra vigilant in checking for signs of breast cancer.
She said: "On the first of the month I always check my breasts and around my arm pits. I'd check when I was in the shower and when I was lying down.
"The reason I check every month is because it's the same time as my cycle and it's as a reminder to check on the 1st."
This year Georgia had been checking despite a series of heartbreaking setbacks.
After picking a date to get married to childhood sweetheart, Isaac, Georgia was made redundant from her job in January.

As she was starting to apply for jobs and attend interviews, the coronavirus crisis hit and some companies were unable to say if they could take off new staff across the country.
It was around this time Georgia began to notice symptoms.
She said: "On the 1st of April there was no lumps, nothing untoward. But then about six days into April I was getting an itchy rash on my left breast."
Georgia said she thought this may be down to laundry detergent, but then she noticed a lump in her armpit.
After a "shooting pain" in her breast she then devastatingly found a lump there as well.
After a number of doctor's appointments, she was given the diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer - an aggressive form that is associated with both younger people and the BRCA1 gene mutation.
Georgia was given the news at the peak of the virus, when seeing members from other households was strictly prohibited.
Upon reading the news this week that Prime Minister Boris Johnson's top aide Dominic Cummings drove 250 miles to see his parents during this time, Georgia said she was "disgusted".
Symptoms of cervical cancer
The symptoms of cervical cancer are not always obvious, and it may not cause any at all until it's reached an advanced stage.
This is why it's very important to you attend all your cervical screening appointments.
According to the NHS however, these are some of the symptoms women with cervical cancer may experience.
Unusual bleeding
In most cases, abnormal vaginal bleeding is the first noticeable symptom of cervical cancer.
This includes bleeding during or after sex, between your periods, after you have been through the menopause.
Visit your GP for advice if you experience any type of abnormal vaginal bleeding.
Other symptoms
Other symptoms of cervical cancer may include pain and discomfort during sex, unusual or unpleasant vaginal discharge, and pain in your lower back or pelvis.
Advanced cervical cancer
If the cancer spreads out of your cervix and into surrounding tissue and organs, it can trigger a range of other symptoms, including pain in your lower back or pelvis, severe pain in your side or back caused by your kidneys, constipation, peeing or pooing more often than normal, losing control of your bladder (urinary incontinence) or losing control of your bowels (bowel incontinence), blood in your pee, swelling of one or both legs or severe vaginal bleeding.
Visit your GP if you have any concerns.
She said: "If I could give him a piece of my mind, I would. I think it's absolutely digsusting, he's supposed to be seen as a role model.
"How can he do that when people like my mum are going to be told that their daughter is going to have chemotherapy on her own?"
Although Georgia faces the prospect of chemotherapy, she is spreading awareness about breast cancer for young women and has even set up a Facebook community group for people under 30 facing cancer.
The group, Under 30s Breast Cancer Support Network, will look to share experiences and advice people have received.
She is also determined to get the word out about getting checked, urging young women not to feel embarrassed or worried about going to the doctors.
She said: "Once a month, just give your boobs a squeeze for me please.
"If you find anything, tell your doctor, even if you think it's silly. I could have just left it, especially during the pandemic.
"At the end of the day, your health is your essential journey."
As well as spreading awareness, Georgia's mother-in-law to be Jackie McCarthy has organised a fundraiser to help Georgia get through treatment.
She said: "I want Georgia to feel as comfortable as she can whilst undergoing her treatment.
"I am asking for donations so she can go and get a massage or some makeup, maybe buy some new comfy clothes or join a gym.
"I wanted to set this up respectively so that they can continue to save up for their wedding and so that Georgia would not have to worry or thing twice about whether she can afford that new t shirt or that face mask."