MySejahtera App To Implement QR Code Support Next Month
by Heirul KamelHealth director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah announced that the MySejahtera contact tracing application will implement QR code support on 1 June 2020. He explained that the upcoming update was the result of the public’s concern of using potentially contaminated pens during sign-ups at business premises.
The application will be continuously upgraded from time to time and the public are advised to bring their own pen for the time being, he added. At the same time, Dr Noor Hisham also encouraged more Malaysians to download the application to receive the latest information and updates regarding COVID-19.

Additionally, the director-general stated that over 750,000 individuals have downloaded the application so far. In light of the current pandemic, the MySejahtera app is one of many contact tracing solutions that are currently available in Malaysia at this time.
On a related note, DBKL had recently launched its own contact tracing system KLStep, which also utilises QR code support to ease public registration when visiting business premises in the Kuala Lumpur area. Similarly, the Selangor-based SELangkah system was introduced earlier in May this year.
(Source: Bernama)