NC grieved over deaths, losses due to inclement weather
by GK News NetworkNational Conference on Thursday expressed grief over three deaths following wind storm that unleashed havoc in parts of south and central Kashmir, urging the administration to provide compensation to the people whose properties were damaged.
While expressing anguish over the losses in various hamlets of south and central Kashmir, the party MP Hasnain Masoodi said it was heart wrenching to hear about the fury that the gusty winds played on Wednesday incurring heavy losses to numerous household besides devouring three precious lives.
“I express my heartfelt condolences with the families of those who lost their lives following inclement weather. Besides, the winds created havoc and resulted in losses to property and orchards. It is expected that the district administration will access the losses at an earliest and ensure disbursement of compensation to the affected without delay,” he said.
Party’s senior leader, SakinaItoo, central zone President, Ali Muhammad Dar have also impressed upon the divisional administration to depute revenue teams to the affected areas to access the losses to people without any delay.
The party functionaries urged the divisional administration and respective district administration of south, and central Kashmir to restore the water and power supply to affected areas.