COVID-19 recovery rate in Navi Mumbai improves


There is good news among rising number of coronavirus positive cases, the recovery rate in Navi Mumbai has crossed 46 percent. The recovery rate has moved ahead of the national average. So far, 1200 people have already recovered and discharged from the hospital in the city.

As per the data shared by the Navi Mumbai police, till May 27, a total of 2,587 positive cases reported in Navi Mumbai of which 1200 of them recovered which is around 46.38%. At present, there is 1302 active cases in the city. However, 85 persons have also died due to infection of the coronavirus and the mortality rate stands 3.28 %.

As per the and Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC), 840 persons recovered in its jurisdiction with a 45.33 % recovery rate. Till May 27, a total of 1,853 positive cases reported in its jurisdiction and 840 recovered. However, 59 persons also died due to infections of the virus.

According to officials from the civic health department, the recovery rate will increase in days to come as many persons are asymptomatic and they may get soon.

The recovery rate among the age group of 0 to 20 years is highest as there is no death reported in this category. There a total of 332 positive cases reported in this group. This is followed by the age group of 21 to 30 years where 612 cases reported and only two deaths reported. However, some of them are still recuperating in hospitals.

After May 3, more than 50 positive cases reported in Navi Mumbai with a maximum of 171 cases on May 11. However, after the APMC was closed for a week, the number of positive cases had dropped as on May 20, only 59 cases reported. But the trend is like a roller coaster.

According to officials, the majority of the cases reported in Navi Mumbai are those who travelled Mumbai, related to essential works. Policemen, health workers, doctors, ambulance drivers, and BEST drivers are among the infected.

As per the data made available by the civic body and police, persons above 50 years are more vulnerable to the coronavirus. Of the total 85 deaths reported, 55 were above 50 years.