Clark County government center, other facilities to reopen Monday
by Shea JohnsonThe Clark County Government Center and other county facilities will start to reopen Monday with health and safety measures in place for the public including mandated social distancing and recommended face coverings.
The county said Thursday that the guidelines would follow Gov. Steve Sisolak’s road map to reopening, and residents were still being encouraged to conduct business with the county online as much as possible.
The government center and nearly all county buildings were closed to the public in mid-March, a “dramatic step” in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus, officials said at the time.
Now it will open Monday along with several other facilities. Community and recreation centers will reopen in limited capacity for outdoor recreation and to register for upcoming programs. Splash pads, the Wetlands Park Nature Center and county museum will follow suit. And limited summer camp enrollment begins Monday.
The county Shooting Complex will reopen Wednesday on a limited basis and aquatic facilities are scheduled to open later in June at reduced capacity, officials said.
The openings follow dog parks and equestrian arenas, which have had restrictions lifted for public use.
Playgrounds and senior centers, however, will remain closed, according to the county.
Officials said that people using county facilities, including county offices, should expect to be asked to wear face coverings and to encounter public health measures: longer lines to accommodate social distancing, plexiglass barriers at customer counters, cleaning and signage on how best to access government services.
Details about specifics regarding the county’s courts, treasurer, recorder, assessor offices and other offices may be found at ClarkCountyNV.gov.
But generally most of those offices and departments will also open to the public with limited services, by appointment only and/or with public health guidelines in place.
The Department of Environment and Sustainability will offer services only by phone, email and online; the Las Vegas Justice Court Traffic Division’s customer service windows will remain closed until the final phase of Sisolak’s reopening plan; Family Support courts will hold hearings by video or telephone through July; and the Department of Comprehensive Planning will continue to accept applications only via email.