Prosecutor says he won’t ‘rush’ to charge cops involved in George Floyd death
by Kenneth GargerA Minnesota prosecutor on Thursday night said there is evidence that does not support criminal charges against the white cop who kneeled on George Floyd before the black man’s death — but later backtracked.
Along with the since-tempered revelation, Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said he will not “rush” to charging the four officers involved in Floyd’s Monday arrest because “justice cannot be rushed.”
Freeman had the called the video of Floyd being detained by former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin “graphic, and horrific, and terrible.”
“But my job, in the end is to prove that he violated a criminal statute, and there is other evidence that does not support a criminal charge,” the prosecutor told reporters at a news conference.
Shortly after, Freeman’s office clarified his statement.

“County Attorney Freeman was saying that it is critical to review all the evidence because at the time of trial, invariably, all that information will be used,” the office said.
“Evidence not favorable to our case needs to be carefully examined to understand the full picture of what actually happened.”
Freeman did not disclose what evidence his office has uncovered that may be unfavorable to them.
The prosecutor cited the case of Freddie Gray, a black man from Baltimore who died in police custody in 2015, as reason to avoid rushing to justice.
All the officers charged in the Gray case were either acquitted or had their charges dropped.
The four officers involved in Flody’s arrest have so far all been fired.