Lawyers for Myka and James Stauffer Release Statement Following Backlash About “Rehoming” Their Son
- YouTubers Myka and James Stauffer revealed they “rehomed” their adopted son Huxley, who is autistic.
- The couple’s lawyers just released a statement following backlash.
YouTubers Myka and James Stauffer recently announced that they “rehomed” their son Huxley nearly three years after adopting him from China, a decision that’s been met with backlash and concern from fans. Several days after dropping a video titled “An Update on Our Family,” lawyers for the couple tell People that the decision was made “to provide Huxley with the best possible treatment and care.”
“We are privy to this case, and given the facts at hand, we feel this was the best decision for Huxley,” lawyers Thomas Taneff and Taylor Sayers said in a statement. “In coming to know our clients, we know they are a loving family and are very caring parents that would do anything for their children. Since his adoption, they consulted with multiple professionals in the health care and educational arenas in order to provide Huxley with the best possible treatment and care. Over time, the team of medical professionals advised our clients it might be best for Huxley to be placed with another family.”
This pretty much echoes what Myka and James said in their YouTube video, where they told subscribers they had difficulties caring for an autistic child and ended up connecting Huxley with a “new mommy.”
“Once Huxley came home, there was a lot more special needs that we weren’t aware of and that we were not told. For us, it’s been really hard hearing from the medical professionals, a lot of their feedback, and things that have been upsetting. We’ve never wanted to be in this position. And we’ve been trying to get his needs met and help him out as much as possible….We truly love him.”
The couple has yet to offer further details on their own platforms despite backlash, saying they want to protect Huxley’s privacy.
This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
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