Pornhub’s Embarassing PSA Reminds You To Keep Hands Off Pants In Online Meetings


Pornhub has released a hilarious ad in time for Masturbation Day.
Working at home during the lockdown sure has its added benefits—you find yourself having plenty of time on your hands. Unfortunately, you will also face a lot of mishaps as you adapt to digital work.
This can be seen in Pornhub’s latest spot, where a man named Daniel thinks he has logged off a Zoom meeting with his coworkers, only to give them a glimpse of what’s been going on behind closed doors.
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The ad shows Daniel getting his tissues ready, and while his coworkers try to warn him that he’s still online in the meeting, the poor man continues to pull down his pants to get ready to play with himself.
“Even if you’re working from home, remember to keep it safe for work,” reads the ad, created together with advertising agency Officer & Gentleman. “Happy Masturbation Day.”

[via Pornhub, opening image via Facebook]