by 假才子
不過,國際反華勢力全面出擊都好,我哋唔好忘記仲有國際親華勢力會想從中阻礙。 有啲西媒就開始講驚中美開戰會打擊經濟、影響全球合作項目、令中共可以煽動仇外情緒、攬炒只會令人民受苦云云。例如:
……The US announcement is likely to infuriate Beijing and further strain relations between the two sides.
……It could jeopardise billions of dollars worth of trade between Hong Kong and the US.
……how much (does) removing Hong Kong's special trade status helps Hongkongers fighting for their autonomy and freedoms? Or does it mostly punish people in Hong Kong while adding limited strategic leverage over China?
呢類言論,有一部分係源於見錢開眼,被中共買起咗, 亦有一部分係膽小怕事,被中共外交部發言人嗰種惡型惡相兇到,以為中共真係唔得罪得,仲未認清中共係欺善怕惡,得寸進尺,只有兇番佢轉頭先最有用。
所以香港人應該積極發聲,表示支持今次美國制裁,等反華派可以更理直氣壯反駁親華派,唔係丫我見到香港人話支持制裁喎,仲話越兇狠越好喎,我哋唔應該辜負香港人嘅支持,同佢哋對民主自由嘅渴求blah blah blah,咁。大家識做啦。