Twitter’s anti-porn filters block stories on scandal over UK politician Dominic Cummings
by Lee BrownTwitter’s anti-porn filters are blocking stories on Britain’s biggest coronavirus scandal — because it involves a politician named Dominic Cummings, according to reports Wednesday.
Boris Johnson’s chief adviser, Cummings, has been front-page news in the UK for days after he was accused of breaking lockdown rules by driving 250 miles while sick with COVID-19 symptoms.
Twitter’s filters, however, seem to think he is involved in a far more salacious activity — and have been blocking mentions because of his surname, The Guardian revealed Wednesday.
It has meant trending topics on the social media giant have instead involved a variety of misspellings of his name, including #cummnings, #dominiccummigs, #sackcummimgs and #sackdom, The Guardian says.
Bizarrely, one risqué sounding hashtag escaped the filters — with #cumgate trending.
The filtering process also affects suggested hashtags, meaning Twitter users attempting to type #dominiccummings are instead prompted to try one of the misspellings instead.
The report comes after President Trump attacked Twitter for adding fact-checking links to some of his tweets, threatening to close down the site.
Twitter declined to comment to The Guardian on the filtering.
Cummings admitted to driving 250 miles from London to his parents’ house in northeast England while he was falling ill with suspected COVID-19 — despite stay-at-home rules that the government had imposed.
He said he made the trip so that his nieces could care for his 4-year-old son if he and his wife became too sick, later insisting he “behaved reasonably and legally.”
At least 30 lawmakers in Johnson’s Conservative Party have called on Cummings to resign, citing an outpouring of fury from their constituents.
Prime Minister Johnson — while saying he “totally understand[s] public indignation” — stood by him, however, and has refused to fire him.
With Post wires