Fraser Valley libraries to offer contactless hold pick-ups
FVRL Express — Click, Pick, Go service to be offered at all 25 locations starting June 1
by North Delta Reporter StaffLibrary services in the Fraser Valley will return June 1 with a new holds pick-up service.
As part of its phased reopening, Fraser Valley Regional Library will launch the new FVRL Express — Click, Pick, Go service at all 25 locations at the start of next month.
The new contactless service offers customers a physically distanced way to pick up library holds and return items, according to a release. Users can browse the catalogue and place holds online at fvrl.ca, and library staff will pick and package the holds, then send an email to let clients know their books are ready to be picked up.
FVRL Express will be available between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m., however days vary by location.
“FVRL operates in 15 municipalities across the region and planning a co-ordinated resumption of operations has been exceptionally complex. While we can’t open our doors to invite customers in just yet, we know how important access to physical library material is,” FVRL CEO Scott Hargrove said in a press release.
“There are currently 30,000 holds sitting on the shelves and thousands of new holds placed during the closure that have yet to be picked. FVRL Express is a safe way for staff to provide service and customers to get the holds they have been patiently waiting for.”
As FVRL phases into the new normal, fines will continue to be waived on items checked out prior to the closure — there is no rush, so return them when you feel comfortable doing so.
To learn more about FVRL Express or other services — including eCard sign up, virtual programs and digital content — visit fvrl.ca or call your local library.