Russian fighter pilot seen through the window as jets fly dangerously close to US patrol aircraft AGAIN
by Nicole DarrahRUSSIAN fighter jets were spotted flying dangerously close to US military aircraft over the Mediterranean Sea on Tuesday.
The two Su-35 aircraft “unsafely intercepted” a P-8A Poseidon patrol aircraft for the third such time in two months, the US 6th Fleet said in a press release.
“The intercept was determined to be unsafe and unprofessional due to the Russian pilots taking close station on each wing of the P-8A simultaneously, restricting the P-8A’s ability to safely maneuver.”
“The unnecessary actions of the Russian Su-35 pilots were inconsistent with good airmanship and international flight rules, and jeopardized the safety of flight of both aircraft.”
Navy officials said that “while the Russian aircraft was operating in international airspace, this interaction was irresponsible.”
“We expect them to operate within international standards set to ensure safety and to prevent incidents, including the 1972 Agreement for the Prevention of Incidents On and Over the High Seas (INCSEA).”
The military said actions like those of the Russian fighter pilots “increase the potential for midair collisions.”
In April, two similar interactions happened, also over the Eastern Mediterranean.
“In all cases, the US aircraft were operating in international airspace, consistent with international law, with due regard for safety of flight, and did not provoke this Russian activity.”
According to USNI News, a Russian Su-35 jet came within 25 feet of a Navy P-8A aircraft in international airspace.
A few days before that, “a Su-35 performed an inverted maneuver and came within 25 feet of a P-8A.”
Last week, President Donald Trump announced his administration was pulling the US from the Open Skies Treaty.
The accord allows more than 30 countries to conduct unarmed, observation flights over other countries with sensor equipment in an effort to promote trust and avert conflict.
The Trump administration claimed that Russia is violating the pact, but later hinted that the US will reconsider withdrawing.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement that the US formally submitted its six-month notice to pull out of the treaty.
He said: “Rather than using the Open Skies Treaty as a mechanism for improving trust and confidence through military transparency, Russia has, therefore, weaponized the Treaty by making it into a tool of intimidation and threat.”