Oli’s proposal to validate new map delayed in face of shaky numbers in Parliament
by TNNNepal's Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli (AFP)
NEW DLEHI: The Nepal government's proposal for a constitutional amendment to revise the nation's map in the national emblem has run into rough weather despite PM K P Oli claiming widespread support for his controversial move to include parts of India's Pithoragarh districts in the face of uncertainty over whether the measure will garner a majority in Parliament, reports Sachin Prashar.
With support not forthcoming from Madhesi parties, the Oli government seemed to have put the proposal on hold. Oli has also been facing trouble within the Left coalition with senior members like Prachanda and Madhav Nepal at odds with him on a range of issues. After his stepped up anti-India statements over the new road India has built at Lipulekh, it was important for Oli to get the new map, which shows the area as belonging to Nepal, validated by revising the image in the national emblem.
Official sources said India was carefully following developments in Nepal and that sensitive border issues required trust and confidence so as to allow these to be resolved to mutual satisfaction. According to Nepal government sources, though, there was still "unanimous support" for the new map and it was likely to be approved by all political parties in Parliament "in days".
However, the delay may provide India some time to work on key players in Nepal to drive home the point that the controversy will damage ties and not necessarily provide gains for the Himalayan nation.
In Video:Nepal puts controversial map on hold, to seek national consensus