Maternity ward nurses are filming videos of newborn babies in their care to send to parents after visiting hours were slashed due to coronavirus crisis


Like many people across the globe, NHS staff have seen their day-to-day work duties change dramatically.

Despite the increased pressures, these nurses have taken on a wonderful new duty on the maternity ward.

Staff at Frimley Park Hospital, Surrey, have been making videos of newborn babies in their care to send to their parents.
NHS nurses at Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey are making videos of newborn babies to send to their parents

The nurses decided to take on the touching gesture after the coronavirus pandemic meant visiting hours for parents were massively reduced.

New parents can now keep up to date with their little ones’ progress by watching the videos and are provided reassurance and comfort.

The sweet pictures were captured by a photographer who was given rare access to the hospital.
Masked intensive care unit nurse Tina wears a picture of her face on her personal protective equipment (PPE) visor so she is identifiable

Included was an image of a nurse, identified only as Tina, who works on the intensive care unit.

Tina has put her name on her PPE visor and a picture of herself on her top so she is an identifiable, friendly face to her colleagues and the coronavirus patients she is helping to treat.