More than half of national parks to reopen next week after COVID-19 closure

Parks Canada says some operations at national parks, national historic sites, historic waterways, and national marine conservation areas will resume starting June 1. Twenty-nine of Canada’s 48 national parks will be accessible:
1. Cape Breton Highlands National Park, N.S.
2. Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site, N.S.
3. Prince Edward Island National Park, P.E.I.
4. Fundy National Park, N.B.
5. Kouchibouguac National Park, N.B.
6. Gros Morne National Park, N.L.
7. Terra Nova National Park, N.L.
8. La Mauricie National Park, Que.
9. Forillon National Park, Que.
10. Bruce Peninsula National Park, Ont.
11. Rouge National Urban Park, Ont.
12. Georgian Bay Islands National Park, Ont.
13. Thousand Islands National Park, Ont.
14. Pukaskwa National Park, Ont.
15. Riding Mountain National Park, Man.
16. Prince Albert National Park, Sask.
17. Grasslands National Park, Sask.
18. Banff National Park, Alta.
19. Jasper National Park, Alta.
20. Waterton Lakes National Park, Alta.
21. Elk Island National Park, Alta.
22. Yoho National Park, B.C.
23. Kootenay National Park, B.C.
24. Mount Revelstoke National Park, B.C.
25. Glacier National Park, B.C.
26. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, B.C. (opening June 4)
27. Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, B.C.
28. Wood Buffalo National Park, N.W.T/Alta.
29. Kluane National Park Reserve, Yukon
SOURCE: Government of Canada, Environment and Climate Change
This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 27, 2020
Note to readers: This is a corrected list. The federal government initially said Pacific Rim was to open June 1.