All nursery and primary schools in Belgium to reopen in June
Classes start on June 2 for children at nursery schools, and a week later for primary schools.
by Barbara MoensBelgium will move to the next stage of reopening schools at the beginning of June, Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès announced Wednesday after coordinating with the regional governments, which are responsible for education.
Classes resumed on May 18 for certain grades at both primary and secondary schools. As of June 2, nursery schools will fully reopen, Wilmès announced. Social distancing will not be required.
Children of all grades at primary schools will resume classes as of June 8. Teachers are encouraged to wear a face mask if social distancing is not guaranteed. Children will remain with their own class throughout the school day, including in playgrounds.
The further opening of secondary schools will be discussed at a later date but if more classes are allowed to return, it would only be for a couple of days a week.