Rosanne Cash Says Her Daughter Was Called A ‘Liberal P*ssy’ For Wearing A Mask
May 27, 2020
Rosanne Cash Says Her Daughter Was Called A ‘Liberal P*ssy’ For Wearing A Mask
Johnny Cash’s granddaughter was allegedly called a “liberal p*ssy” by a man in Nashville after she was spotted wearing a mask to buy groceries. Her mother, Cash’s eldest daughter Rosanne Cash, recounted the incident on her official Twitter page, The New York Post reported earlier today.
According to Cash, her daughter is extremely high-risk, which is one reason she chooses to wear a mask when out in public. She added that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recommended that people wear masks when going out into public spaces.
“Back story: she nearly died of H1N1. She was in the ICU for a week, on a ventilator for 3 days. She CANNOT get covid. The ignorance & hatred is so painful. She’s trying to survive.”
Cash did not specify which of her four daughters she was referring to in her tweet.
The 65-year-old singer garnered tons of attention on Twitter thanks to her tweet. Her statement accumulated over 228,000 likes and more than 7,200 responses. The majority of people in her replies section were sympathetic to Cash and her daughter’s situation, but there were also a large number of users who thought she was making up the story.
One person wrote a cheeky comment, saying the incident sounded made up. Cash responded to them by specifying the exact grocery store where the alleged altercation happened.
Several celebrities replied to Cash’s tweet to support her, including Patricia Arquette, Chris D. Jackson, and Kurt Eichenwald.
“We know this is being encouraged, and we know who is doing the encouraging, and November is coming,” wrote one Twitter user.
Cash responded to their tweet with “Indeed.”
“Awful! Why is it ‘liberal’ to protect yourself and others by wearing a facemask? It’s not a political thing. It’s like wearing a seatbelt. just do it,” said another.
Entertainment publicist Danny Deraney wrote that he had never “felt the urge” to get angry at someone he did not know to “reduce them to what I feel is appropriate.”
The article further stated that the subject of wearing face masks had become a controversial topic in the United States.
Some states and businesses are requiring people to wear them while others, like one store in Kentucky, reportedly told customers to take off their masks before entering or “go somewhere else.”
That store has supposedly changed its policy since the story was first reported, but it demonstrates the political divide occurring between those who wear masks and those who do not.
Politicians have also begun to make statements about mask-wearing. As The Inquisitr previously reported, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum made an impassioned plea with residents of his state to avoid “mask shaming” and not to make wearing masks a political or ideological matter.