Shavuos Festival
by Rabbi Yaakov KlassVol. LXXI No. 22 5780
New York City
May 29, 2020 – 6 Sivan 5769
8:00 p.m. NYC E.D.T.
Sabbath Ends: 9:09 p.m. NYC E.D.T.
Sabbath Ends Rabbenu Tam: 9:32 p.m. NYC E.D.T.
Weekly Reading: Shavuos Festival
Weekly Haftara: Shavuos Festival
Daf Yomi: Shabbos 84
Mishna Yomit: Kerisus 3:5-6
Halacha Yomit: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 62:4-8
Rambam Yomi: Hilchos Malveh v’Loveh chap. 10-12
Earliest time for Tallis and Tefillin: 4:27 a.m. NYC E.D.T.
Sunrise: 5:28 a.m. NYC E.D.T.
Latest Kerias Shema: 9:10 a.m. NYC E.D.T.
Sunset: 8:18 p.m. NYC E.D.T.
Thursday afternoon, Erev Yom Tov, we prepare an Eruv Tavshilin (two cooked foods, usually a matzah and an egg) in advance of Yom Tov to enable us to cook on the following day (Friday) for Shabbos.
Thursday night: (candle lighting 7:59 p.m. NYC E.D.T.). On the first night of Shavuos, we wait with prayers until nighttime to fulfill “sheva shabbasos temimos” – the completion of Sefira. Maariv of Yom Tov (some say Yotzros), Shemoneh Esreh of Shalosh Regalim, Kiddush of Shalosh Regalim with Shehecheyanu. It is customary to have a dairy appetizer on Shavuos. The main meal should nevertheless include meat. In Birkas Hamazon at the conclusion of the seuda we add Ya’aleh VeYavo. It is customary to stay awake all night, to learn Torah and say Tikkun Leil Shavuos.
Friday morning: Shacharis of Yom Tov, Shemoneh Esreh of Shalosh Regalim (some congregations add the appropriate Yotzros as found in the Machzor), followed by whole Hallel. We remove two Sifrei Torah from the Ark. We say the 13 Middos. We call the first aliyah (the Kohen) but before the beracha over the Torah is recited, the Baal Keriah reads Akdamos. In the first Sefer Torah we call five aliyos – we read in Parashas Yisro (Shemos 19:1-20:23), from “Bachodesh Ha’shelishi” until the end of the Parasha. We then take the second sefer and place it on the bimah next to the first sefer and recite half-Kaddish. The Maftir is read in the second sefer in Parashas Pinchas (Bamidbar 28:26-31), from “U’veyom Habikkurim” until “Veniskeihem.” The Haftara is in Ezekiel (1:1-28, 3:12). The chazzan chants Kah Keli, followed by Ashrei, Yehallelu, LeDavid Mizmor etc. and we return the Sifrei Torah to the Ark.
Musaf: Chazzan recites half-Kaddish, then all say the Shalosh Regalim Shemoneh Esreh. During the chazzan’s repetition the Kohanim go up to duchan. Ein K’Elokeinu, Aleinu, Shir Shel Yom and respective Kaddish recitals (for mourners). (Nusach Sefarad say Shir Shel Yom after Hallel.)
Since it is Erev Shabbos and we prepared an Eruv Tavshilin the day before, we start with all preparations for Shabbos.
Mincha: Ashrei, U’va LeTziyyon , half- Kaddish, usual Shalosh Regalim Shemoneh Esreh, Kaddish Tiskabbel at conclusion of chazzan’s repetition, Aleinu, Kaddish Yasom.
Friday evening: (Candle lighting no later than 7:59 p.m. NYC E.D.T.) Kabbalas Shabbos – Ashkenaz say only Mizmor Shir LeYom HaShabbos, followed by Kaddish Yasom. Nusach Sefarad start with Mizmor LeDavid, the first two and last two stanzas of Lechah Dodi, then Mizmor Shir followed by Kaddish Yasom.
Maariv: Usual tefilla of Shabbos and Shalosh Regalim Shemoneh Esreh with mention of Shabbos, followed by Va’yechulu etc. and Kaddish Tiskabbel, Aleinu, Kaddish Yasom. Kiddush of Yom Tov with all references to Shabbos included, followed by Shehecheyanu. In Birkas Hamazon at the conclusion of the seuda we say Retzeh and Ya’aleh VeYavo.
Shabbos morning: Shacharis (Pesukei deZimra) of Shabbos and Yom Tov. The chazzan starts at “HaKel…” Shemoneh Esreh of Shalosh Regalim including references to Shabbos (some congregations add the appropriate Yotzros as found in the Machzor), followed by whole Hallel. The chazzan then recites Kaddish Tiskabbel. We read Megillas Ruth, preferably from a scroll, a klaf. [Most do not say the beracha “al Mikra Megilla” – see Shulchan Aruch HaRav (Orach Chayyim 490:17) and Taz ad loc. Magen Avraham, though he agrees, cites the Levush who rules otherwise – that one does say the beracha – but all agree that in any event we would recite the blessing only on a scroll.]
We remove two Sifrei Torah from the Ark. We do not say the 13 Middos. As it is Shabbos, we call seven aliyos to the first Sefer Torah. We read in Parashas Re’eh (Devarim 14:22-16:17), from “Asser te’asser” until “Asher nassan lach.” We then take the second sefer and place it on the bimah next to the first sefer and recite half-Kaddish.The Maftir is read in the second sefer in Parashas Pinchas (Bamidbar 28:26-31), from “U’veyom Habikkurim” until “Veniskeihem.” The Haftara is in Trei Asar (Habakkuk 2:20-3:19).The Maftir recites the first two pesukim, inserts the Piyut Yetziv Pisgam, and proceeds with the Haftara.
Yizkor: It is customary to make an appeal for charity before we say Yizkor for the departed. We say “Ba’avur she’ani noder tzedaka” – for the sake of my giving charity.” We say Ashrei (no Kah Keili), Yehallelu, Mizmor LeDavid etc. and return the Sifrei Torah to the Ark.
Musaf: Shalosh Regalim Shemoneh Esreh, including references to Shabbos. During the chazzan’s repetition the kohanim go up to duchan. (We do not say Ribbono shel Olam and Yehi Ratzon – some congregations do not duchan at all), Ein K’Elokeinu, Aleinu, Shir Shel Yom and respective Kaddish recitals (for mourners). (Nusach Sefarad say Shir Shel Yom after Hallel).
Mincha: Ashrei, U’va LeTziyyon, half-Kaddish – we remove a Torah scroll from the Ark and read from Parashas Naso. We call three aliyos (Kohen, Levi, Yisrael). We return the Sefer Torah to the Ark. The chazzan recites half-Kaddish, the Shalosh Regalim Shemoneh Esreh followed by chazzan’s repetition, Kaddish Tiskabbel (we do not say Tzidkas’cha), Aleinu, Kaddish Yasom.
Maariv: Usual tefilla, Ata Chonanta in the Shemoneh Esreh. We do say Vi’Yehi No’am, Ve’Ata Kadosh. Full Havdala as on any Motza’ei Shabbos.
The following chapters of Tehillim are being recited by many congregations and yeshivas for our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael: Chapter 83, 130, 142. – Y.K