Coronavirus in Oklahoma: 'Live From Cains' to feature Paul Benjaman, Jesse Aycock and Beau Roberson tonight
by Brandy McDonnell
TULSA – Live From Cain’s and White Claw Hard Seltzer continue a series of live-stream concerts with music from Tulsa singer songwriters, Paul Benjaman, Jesse Aycock and Beau Roberson beginning at 7 tonight.
During this “Live From Cain’s: Session,” hosted at, fans will be treated to a behind-the-scenes peek at the Cain’s Ballroom, including spaces normally unavailable to the general public.
Mainstays of Tulsa’s vibrant music scene, Benjaman, Aycock and Roberson will swap songs and stories in this intimate 30-minute concert, according to a news release.
Both Aycock and Roberson have new releases on the horizon with Tulsa’s nonprofit Horton Records label, and all three musicians are known for their skilled songwriting, in addition to their talent as instrumentalists.
With these "Live From Cain’s: Sessions," Tulsa’s Phil Clarkin Photography, Press Pause Films, Midwest Drone Productions and the seasoned crew from the Cain’s Ballroom are providing an virtual experience for music fans by using a multi-cam HD production (including live drone footage of downtown Tulsa) and an experienced sound engineer. It’s a digital backstage pass for this historic honky-tonk in a time of social distancing.
“These have been challenging times for the Cain’s Ballroom and other independent venues across the nation, and we know it’s been tough for our fans, too. We always appreciate their loyalty and support, and we’ve been particularly grateful for it during this difficult period of time,” says Chad Rodgers, who operates this family owned venue along with his brother Hunter Rodgers, in a statement.
“We’re happy for this opportunity to partner with ‘Live From Cain’s’ to safely share live music with music lovers everywhere. We miss our fans, and we look forward to the time we can responsibly welcome them back in person to the Ballroom.”
Previous Sessions’ performers include Oklahoma’s own John Fullbright and Nashville singer songwriter and Vince Gill guitarist Jedd Hughes. Five more "Sessions" will be announced soon.
For more information, go to
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