Petition to allow more than 50 vehicles at B.C. drive-ins garners growing support
by Ben Bulmer
A petition appealing to the provincial government to axe a maximum of 50 vehicles at drive-in theatres has garnered nearly 11,000 signatures with more being added every minute.
The petition was started by the Twilight Drive-In Theatre in Langley in response to an announcement from provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry that drive-in events would be limited to 50 vehicles and ordered concession stands closed.
The Lower Mainland drive-in suspended its shows May 26, and a notice on its website says it is waiting to hear about reconsideration before confirming future showings.
"We were allowed to operate our drive-in and concession stand during Phase One, the worse part of the pandemic, with the social distancing measures we put in place. But now, in Phase Two, the restart phase, restrictions are being placed on us that will severely impede the viability of the drive-in. Seems contradictory and backwards to us," reads the petition.
The petition goes on to say the drive-in is seeking reconsideration and exemption from the Ministry of Health, and it should be allowed to operate with the social distancing policies it had put in place.
Enderby's Starlight Drive-In is continuing to show movies and has reduced the maximum attendance to 50 vehicles and closed its concession. A notice on its website says attendees will have to stay in their cars and people are not permitted to sit on lawn chairs outside of their vehicles.
"We have been asked by many, what can we do to help? The answer is simple: Please come to our shows. We are open five nights this coming weekend and will add more nights if and when the current nights are sold out. Your continued attendance during this difficult time will help us to return to regular operations when permitted to do so," reads on notice on the Starlight Drive-In's website.
While the Starlight Drive-In continues to show movies several graduations ceremonies set to be held at the drive-in have been cancelled.
The petition can be found here.