Evacuation alerts expand
by Colin Dacre
The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary issued two more evacuation alerts Wednesday, bringing the total number of properties on alert in the Grand Forks area to sixteen.
The latest two properties alerted are on 19th Street north of 61st Street along the Kettle River in the City of Grand Forks. The riverbank eroded considerably in 2018 making the site vulnerable to further erosion during high water this spring. Following an assessment by geotechnical engineers, the RDKB has been advised to ask residents to prepare to leave the area with very short notice should conditions worsen and require alerts to become orders.
In addition to the 19th Street properties, seven properties in Manly Meadows and seven properties in Johnson Flats also remain on evacuation alert due to risk of flooding.
“It’s a really stressful time for everyone who has been alerted right now, especially given that we have more snow to melt in the mountains. Our main focus is keeping residents safe and making sure we are clear about the forecasts we receive and how those could affect anyone along the Kettle River System including these two properties in the City of Grand Forks,” said Mark Stephens, EOC Director.
Current river forecasts show the Kettle River remaining at typical freshet level until May 29, then potentially rising to higher flood levels late this weekend, or early next week, depending upon rainfall amounts and locations. Temperatures are forecast to reach the low thirties on May 29 and 30 — up to twelve degrees above seasonal — and rain and thunderstorms are possible over the weekend but still far from certain.