No end term exams for current and previous semesters: Kashmir University
Students to be promoted based on continuous internal assessment
by GK Web DeskIn a significant decision, the University of Kashmir, in view of COVID-19 pandemic, has decided that there will be no end term exams for the current semester and the previous semesters where exams were due during the lockdown period.
The students will be promoted to the next semester based on internal assessment in tune with UGC guidelines, read a press release issued by the varsity.
The Heads of Departments in consultation with their respective Departmental Committees will decide the mode of internal assessment with a transparent and well-defined scale.
The decision was taken in a special meeting of the Advisory cum Monitoring Committee, constituted by the Vice Chancellor under the chairmanship of the Dean Academic Affairs.
Earlier the University had Constituted an Advisory – cum – Monitoring Committee, under the chairmanship of Dean Academic Affairs, to assess & monitor the conduct of online classes, devise a strategy / road map for conduct of examinations, devise the academic calendar under the prevalent conditions and formulate a plan for admission to various courses for the academic session 2020.
The University decided to continue the online classes of the current semesters till 15th August 2020.
The teachers have been asked to take online classes on regular basis and also carry the internal assessment during the semester in tune with the strategy devised by their respective departments.
The teachers shall keep proper record of the classes held and the internal assessment conducted.
Regarding conduct of practical classes and opening of labs for research scholars, a committee under Dean Research has been constituted to look into the issue.
In another major decision, the Vice Chancellor advised the departments to procure Smart Phones and Note Pads and make them available to the needy students who can’t afford these devices. The devices can be issued to the needy students and collected back after use.
The Vice Chancellor also advised the Advisory – cum – Monitoring Committee to consult/contact all the class representative, HoDs and faculty members and keep them informed about the decisions being taken by the University and collect their feedback. There should be no chance for confusion and all stake holders should be kept properly informed.