Three young brothers made a black widow spider bite them, hoped to become Spider-Man
by David PescovitzIn Chayanta, Bolivia, three brothers, ages 12, 10 and 8, came upon a black widow spider while herding goats. They poked at the spider until it bit each of them. Why? They hoped to become Spider-Man. According to a report in Telemundo, their mom found them very upset and took them to a health center that moved them to a hospital. From the New York Post:
The would-be Peter Parkers were transferred a third time, taken to the Children’s Hospital in La Paz the next day with fevers, tremors and muscle pains, according to the report.
There, they were treated and discharged last Wednesday, almost a week after they were bitten, the report says.
No word on whether they can now sling webs.
(Thanks, Rick Pescovitz!)