Is this what schooling will be like post-lockdown? Sale primary school plans revealed
A four-day week, classes of 15 and temperature checks on arrival are just some of the measures planned for Springfield Primary School.
by Charlotte Dobson, https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/authors/charlotte-dobson/A primary school in Sale has revealed detailed plans for a phased re-opening in June.
A four-day week, classes of 15 and daily temperature checks are just some of the new measures being introduced at Springfield Primary School.
It comes after the Government announced a phased return for primary schools across England from June 1.
Three year groups within mainstream primary have been prioritised. Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 would return first as ministers say these 'are key transition years '.
Springfield has revealed how it plans to reopen in line with Government guidelines from Wednesday, June 10.
A letter detailing the plans was sent to parents on Sunday, May 24.
The primary will operate on a four day week with no school on Fridays.

Returning pupils will be split into two groups. Group A and B, on a two week rota, meaning children will only attend school on alternate weeks.
Children who return will be taught in smaller classes of 15.
School leaders say the part-time rota system will enable them to open safely and eventually invite other year groups back to school when requested by the Government.
Acting headteacher, Paula Garbett wrote: “While I accept that this plan will not suit everybody’s needs, the reality is that after considering a number of options this is the plan that we believe is the best fit for our school community having taken into account the number of pupils on roll, number of teaching staff and classrooms available.”
Having all 300 nursery, reception, Year 1 and 6 pupils in school at once would be ‘extremely challenging’ in light of staff who are shielding, those with underlying health conditions and those self-isolating, the letter said.
The non-teaching day on Friday will allow teachers to have time to contact parents and plan for children of families who have not returned to school. The school will also receive a ‘deep clean’ on this day.
A list of protective measures has been issued to parents.
These include:
- Non-touch temperature testing and hand washing for all children and staff will be mandatory every day on arrival. A child with a high temperature will not be allowed in school.
- Children will only interact with their class of 15. Movements around the school will be restricted to minimise contact with other kids.
- Children of key works will remain in their own cluster to avoid cross-contamination.
- Designated toilets for each group, where possible.
- Playgrounds split into ‘zones’ and staggered playtime introduced.
- Lunch will be eaten in classrooms.
- Children will be required to bring their own labelled stationary.
- All soft furnishings, sand, play dough, piles of paper and unnecessary items will be stripped from classrooms.
- Classroom doors will be propped open with all seats and tables spaced apart
- Carpet time will be limited and avoided where possible.
- Children will not be able to bring work in from home. Instead, they will be asked to photograph and email their work into school.
- Children will wear their own clothes rather than school uniform to ensure they can wear clean clothing everyday.
- Children will wash their hands on arrival, as well as regularly throughout the day, and be encouraged to bring their hand cream to prevent soreness.
- Any pupils who become unwell will have to isolate in the library until they are collected.
The Government's wider plan is for all primary pupils to return before the summer holidays - 'for a month if feasible'.
But the move has not been without controversy. Early years teachers have spoken out about the difficulties of young children social distancing and there are concerns over face masks and coverings not being worn in schools.
Many councils in Greater Manchester say it's highly unlikely that primary schools will reopen on June 1.
However, some parents believe it's time that schools started to reopen.
One dad said he had been unable to work at all during lockdown while schools were closed.
"There's no way I could go back to work with my children only in school four days a week, every other week," he said.
"Not only can I not work, I'm worried about the impact it's going to have on my children's education.
"It's like the school has been closed down for the nine weeks and the teachers have been on holiday.
"They've had a bit of online work set but that's it."
The school - and Trafford council - did not respond to the M.E.N's request for comment.