(Image: Google Street View)
Developer given green light for plans to build 52 houses by brook
The plans for the new development in Bury were approved on Tuesday
by Thomas George, Joseph Timan, https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/authors/thomas-george/A developer has been given the green light to build 52 houses along a brook in a park in Bury.
Shaheen Developments, which already had plans for a residential scheme at Olives Park off Brandlesholme Road in Elton, had a “fresh” application approved by Bury council's planning committee on Tuesday.
The proposed layout of the development has not effectively changed from the plans which were approved in 2016, according to council officers, although councillors raised concerns about the site’s only two access points moving.
The new development is set to feature 20 three-bedroom houses, 18 two-bedroom apartments, 10 five-bedroom houses, and four six-bedroom houses.

(Image: Copyright Unknown)
Resident Holly Brynes dialled into the council’s first virtual planning committee meeting held via video conference to object to the application.
She said: “We regularly see wildlife on the proposed site, including foxes, birds and their young – and deer as well. The proposal would destroy their habitat.
“The proposal of 52 houses would bring an additional 50 to 100 cars considering that most households have at least one car.
“So that would bring a number of cars to the area adding to an already congested main road that is Brandlesholme Road.
“Usually households have one car at least and that’s concerning in terms of air pollution and the fact that that impacts on people already living here and the public health of the residents.
“I think the council should promoting green spaces for the wellbeing of the constituents. I know that a lot of people use the paths and are not happy about this.”
The site has already been the subject of controversy after trees were cleared from the land without the council’s consent resulting in an enforcement case.
Coun Jackie Harris told the planning committee of the “inconvenience” and “misery” caused to neighbours and urged the council to implement strict conditions so that mature trees would be planted around the perimeter.
She said: “I’ve had lots of complaints over the years about illegal activities going on at that site. The trees were all removed, we know that, illegal fly-tipping and burning.

“The residents who back on to this development have had to put up with an awful lot.
“What I’m asking is that we ensure that this developer provides a very suitable and adequate screening all around this development because of the misery that local residents have had to put with because of his illegal activities.”
Coun Harris also described an assertion by the council’s highways department that the new development would not impact on traffic in the area as “fanciful”.
Speaking about improving pedestrian routes in the area Cllr Cristina Tegolo, suggested pavements should be widened beyond minimum standards.
Coun Martin Hayes also highlighted the Environment Agency’s comments on the application which it said would have an “unacceptable” effect on ecological value of the Kirklees Brook and wildlife corridor at the site.
Planning chief Dave Marno described the council’s requirement of a 10-year landscape and ecological plan by the developer as “robust” and amended the conditions to specify that semi-mature trees must be planted around the site.
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All councillors voted to approve the application, subject to conditions and planning obligations, except for Cllr Harris who abstained.
Planning obligations require the developer to provide on-site recreational “enhancements” and 12 of the houses to be affordable dwellings in a mix of house types all of which will be secured through a section 106 agreement.
Jenkins Design Services, which submitted the application on behalf of Shaheen Developments, has been contacted for comment.