Wasting time equals betraying destiny
by Hritik SinghThe best thing you can ever do to betray your destiny is to waste time on things that are not meant for you. The future we see is nothing but potential, and the way we act on our present determines the future. Your relationship with the things that you are surrounded by is exactly equal to the time you spent with them. Time is one of the best teacher that can give you life lessons. Your disappointments and failures leaves you with all sorts of regret. When you look back into the course of our time, there is just one thing that pops into our head, I should have wasted my time a little less.
So before things take up a different shape and leave you hopless. Here are the 5 things that you need to stop wasting your time on.
1.Unnecessary relationships- This particular topic tops the list. Yes as humans our concise efforts to build a relationship never stops. The mutual flourishing of people should be the paramount goal in any relationship. Your efforts must add value to yourself before it adds value to your relationship. If not, it might be wasting your time.
2.Vision and goals– The point might stress you out but here is what you need to think. Vision and goals act as a bridge towards the end point of your results. The point where your dreams are fulfilled. If you have goals that don’t align with your targets and make connections to the future it might be direction less. Not all ways you decide to walk on, end on the same dream point. Not all goals you decide to act on, end up hitting your target. You need to stop spending time on goals that makes no sense.
3.Social media– I am not going to stress you to spend less time on social media. Social media is not meant to waste your time. Unless you intend to do so. It’s a platform where you can build something of your own. It’s a place where ideas can combine with multiple talent. The way you use this platform simply indicates what you do with your time.
4.Online gaming apps – No point in denying that online gaming apps and their addiction so far has completely taken over the minds of the youngsters. Online gaming apps besides consuming heavy internet data, consumes time too. However simply instructing people to spend less time on games does nothing. The only way to excercise this completely is to get yourself a routine. A routine always guides the next step in the process.
5.Sleep – A study shows that men or women who sleep less than 6-8 hours or more than that get old too soon. People who spend more time on sleeping must reschedule their sleep hours and should not waste more time on sleeping. A major part of time spent on sleeping results in less productivity.
“When you stop wasting time on the abovementioned things at the same time you must start utilising them on your goals. It won’t help much if you don’t shift from things you’ve been wasting time on to the things you should be spending your time on.“