Image: Shutterstock / Onjira Leibe
For new parents, there's reason to relax about the pandemic's effect on a baby's development
by Rebecca RuizThis first year of parenthood is packed with milestones. But no parent imagined surviving a pandemic as part of their year of first smiles, teeth, steps, and words.
Since the coronavirus spread across the global, triggering a monumental shift in how we live our lives, parents who recently brought a baby into the world might be more worried than usual about their child's development.
Parents who've been isolated at home with a baby for months may be concerned about their child's ability to bond with family friends and loved ones once they can finally meet in person. If they've been isolated at home since March, parents may feel nervous about their baby becoming fearful of any outsider. And the idea of a baby spending all day with a masked caregiver, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends for childcare settings, might prompt anxiety about emotional and language development.
None of this is cause for concern, say infant development experts. Babies who have strong relationships with their primary caregivers, and a loving home environment, might experience temporary setbacks in their social, intellectual, and emotional growth but should rebound over time.
"If things are safe, stable and nurturing at home, if there is at least one safe nurturing relationship with a primary caregiver who is able to be responsive and regulated and engaged and attentive like they were pre-Covid, then that should be protective enough so that babies are not at extreme risk for developmental changes," says Dr. Rahil Briggs, a pediatric psychologist and national director of HealthySteps, a program of ZERO TO THREE, an early childhood development organization. "But when that is threatened — that is a real loss."
When to expect challenges
In general, parenting a baby means getting accustomed to constant developmental change. Babies go through periods of rapid physical, mental, emotional, and behavioral growth, and then may plateau for a stretch of time as they consolidate newfound knowledge and skills, says Dr. Briggs. Their brains are also especially "plastic" in order to pick up on stimuli around them — both the good and the bad.
Even without a pandemic, parents can expect challenges, like more crying, fussiness, and loss of appetite, during these developmental peaks and valleys. A parent might be fretful one day and calm the next.
The added strain of trying to work from home and parent, provide for one's family after losing a job, or juggle being an essential worker with keeping your home safe and child engaged can create heightened household tension. Dr. Briggs says that if parents can manage such stress while maintaining a sense of stability and connectedness, their baby should thrive.
Dr. Briggs says she is far more worried about families facing extraordinary pressure, like overdue bills, empty cupboards, and homelessness, which can contribute to toxic stress. A constant stream of negative experiences not buffered by a primary caregiver's attention and affection can alter brain development and lead to delays in physical, social, and intellectual growth. Parents trying to navigate these trying circumstances shouldn't blame themselves but instead ask their pediatrician for help and for information about local agencies that provide services to parents and babies.
Regardless of their financial situation, parents will eventually notice that their baby learns object permanence, or the knowledge that a caregiver still exists when they leave the room. That awareness begins to develop around three or four months and continues to develop through eight months. When babies lack object permanence, they don't seem to mind when parents and siblings walk in and out of the environment. Once they figure it out, expect them to protest with cries or yelps when people disappear.
"It's best not to go to the deep end of the pool on the first day."
That separation anxiety is natural, not necessarily because they've been with a parent exclusively during the pandemic, which should comfort those worried about leaving their baby for periods of time once they can return to work or send their child to a care provider.
Dr. Briggs says parents who've spent the last two months isolated with their baby and worry about periods of separation should start slowly, if possible. That means leaving the baby with a provider for short blocks of time, increasing by the day until everyone is comfortable.
"It's best not to go to the deep end of the pool on the first day," she says.
For parents concerned about the social and emotional effects of masks, Dr. Briggs says that months of not seeing a child care provider's mouth shouldn't derail a baby's development. Babies will search for verbal and non-verbal cues in the absence of being able to see a caregiver smile, frown, or speak. That might include listening for certain vocal tones and watching a caregiver's eyes. Parents who are particularly worried about masking should ask their caregiver to use a clear shield or face covering that is compliant with the guidelines.
While Dr. Briggs expects it to be hard for providers to follow the social distancing guidelines issued by the CDC, which aim to limit interactions between children in the same facility, she says it might be possible using borders like hula hoops and tape on the floor. Nevertheless, socializing with other babies isn't essential for a baby's brain development.
And just as object permanence is a natural phenomenon, so is separation anxiety as it relates to being around strangers, which babies begin to exhibit between nine and 10 months. If that seems heightened thanks to pandemic restrictions, Dr. Briggs similarly recommends to take introductions slow until a baby is comfortable, and then to remain a supportive presence as they navigate those experiences. It's important to remember that positive stress spurs developmental growth for babies. The point isn't to create an environment that shields babies from unpleasant experiences but to ensure they can count on a parent or caregiver for consistent engagement, affection, and comfort.
Look for these clues
Parents worried about their baby's development during the pandemic should look for specific clues about their well-being before panicking, says Dr. Briggs.
Prolonged changes to their eating, sleeping, and behavior may indicate that something is amiss. Temporary disruptions to these habits are normal and should be expected. Parents should go through their usual checklist of possible causes, including body temperature, teething, and periods of growth.
"This too shall pass for your baby."
But if a baby begins sleeping and eating less, becomes more irritable, and is harder to console over a longer stretch of time, parents should reach out to their pediatrician.
Parents should similarly seek help for themselves, particularly if they feel their ability to remain loving, engaged, and affectionate begins to wane. That could mean contacting their doctor, trying therapy, exploring meditation, or adding new coping skills.
Parents who recently brought a baby into the world are now contemplating an entirely different reality than when they first made the decision to grow their family, but with some important exceptions they need not worry too much about their child's development.
"This too shall pass for your baby," says Dr. Briggs.