Iohannis: In 2021, Romanian Army will participate with 1,940 servicemen and civilians in missions abroad
by Maria StanIn 2021, the Romanian Army will participate with 1,940 servicemen and civilians in missions and operations outside the Romanian territory, 436 fewer than this year, said, on Wednesday President Klaus Iohannis, in a press statement held at the end of the meeting of the Supreme Council for the Country's Defence (CSAT).
The President added that the Ministry of Internal Affairs will participate with 841 servicemen and policemen in missions abroad, 181 fewer than in 2020.
He added that the Program regarding the transformation, development and acquisitions of the Romanian Army was also approved in the CSAT meeting up to the year 2026 and the future.
"Without a strong army, a state has no international and strategic credibility. The important resources destined for the acquisitions of the Romanian Army make possible the fulfillment of national defence capabilities within the collective defence system of NATO and, at the same time, the coherent multi-annual programs can offer to the Romanian industry the chance for relaunch, especially by institutional cooperation with specialty companies of our allies," Iohannis also said.A