DiRT 4 walkthrough – a complete Xbox achievement guide
DiRT 4 walkthrough – a complete Xbox achievement guide
By Heidi Nicholas, 27 May 2020
Today, we’re putting the spotlight on the DiRT 4 walkthrough – a complete Xbox achievement guide by Anima Pura, overseen by Reborn Insanity. DiRT 4 is available in Xbox Game Pass.

DiRT 4 Walkthrough
Total DiRT 4 achievements in the walkthrough | 48 |
Total Gamerscore | 1,000 |
Estimated time to complete | 75 to 90 hours |
Playthroughs required | 1 |
Missable achievements | 0 |
Unobtainable achievements | 0 |
Online only achievements | 8 |
Anima Pura’s DiRT 4 walkthrough has been given a thumbs up by 33 community members.
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Written by Heidi Nicholas
Hey, I'm Heidi! I've just finished studying a Masters in English Literature, but I've been obsessed with gaming since long before then. I began on the PS2 with Spyro, before graduating to the Xbox 360 and disappearing into Skyrim. I'm now a loyal RPG fan, but I still like to explore other genres — when I'm not playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey, or being lured back into Red Dead Redemption 2 or The Witcher 3!