Easy Bakes: The perfect three-ingredient Jammie Dodger fudge to enjoy with a cuppa

If you’re looking for a fuss-free sweet treat bake that’s quick and easy to make, this is the recipe for you.


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Baking at home has been all the rave since the start of lockdown with more and more people grabbing their pinnies and getting to work on their own bread, loaves and traybakes.

Taking almost no time at all to make, this quick and delicious fudge recipe uses one of Britain’s most loved biscuits, the Jammie Dodger.

Using just white chocolate, condensed milk and the shortbread biscuit with a tasty raspberry (or sometimes strawberry) centre, you can whip up a batch of this scrumptious fudge in a matter of minutes.

One that even the kids can get involved in, it’s great for sharing with friends and family. Easily stored in the fridge once made, you’ll be enjoying this sweet treat for a while – that’s if you cut it into small pieces of course.

Jammie Dodger Fudge



  1. Take five of the Jammie Dodger biscuits and cut them into small pieces on a chopping board.
  2. Put the white chocolate and the condensed milk into a microwaveable bowl and microwave on high for around three to five minutes. After each minute, remove it from the microwave and stir together. Do this until all of the chocolate has melted (this usually takes between three and five minutes).
  3. Once all the chocolate has melted quickly add all of the crushed biscuit, except from one handful which will be used to scatter on top of the fudge.
  4. Combine the biscuit and fudge mix until the pieces are covered.
  5. Pour into a tin (I used a ceramic bowl) lined with greaseproof paper. Leave for a few minutes and then place the whole biscuits on top and push them into the fudge slightly. Scatter the remaining pieces, ensuring they also end up penetrating the fudge slightly.
  6. Put in the fridge to cool for around five hours. Once set, carefully slice up and enjoy!

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