COVID-19 Pandemic vis-à-vis Economic Development in Nagaland

Dr Toshimanen Ozukum Kohima

 According to Professor Marshall ,” ECONOMICS IS THE STUDY OF MANKIND IN THE ORDINARY BUSINESS OF LIFE “. It is true and  accepted all over the world. In India, all the Detailed Project Report submitted to various Ministries has to go through Economic analysis. This is to find out whether the project is economically viable or not. Only an economist can do the economic analysis just like only the human Doctor  can diagnose a disease  and prescribe right medicine and cure the sick.

The geographical area of NAGALAND is 16,579 square kilometers and the population is around 2 million which is less than the population of Karol Bagh in Delhi. The Almighty God has blessed this tiny State with very fertile soil and salubrious climate. Whether  the people of Nagaland are thankful to God or not? Those who have travelled outside Nagaland, will agree with me that Nagaland is like heaven on earth. Only our people are  not so disciplined. This, I leave to all he readers of this article to ponder whether you love the Lord with all your heart, strength, soul and mind. Whether you love your neighbour as yourself.

During the time of barter economy, there was not much stealing, theft, robbery or unfair means of making rich. This may be due to lots of inconvenience in the trade and business becauase exchange of goods and services was heavy burdensome. Example ,if you want a kg of potato you can give  a kg of tomatoes and vise versa. Therefore, the economists did lots of research works and finally came out with a noble idea of currency notes. It is very easy to carry a bundle of two thousand rupees notes than to carry a kg of mangoes or a handful of coins to do your business. In this digital world, due to improved technology, now there is mobile banking, ATM Cards, Credit Cards which makes  paperless  transactions making life  more comfortable.

The author has written a thesis on ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF NAGALAND. Ac coding to fertility of the soil and productivity of the region, Nagaland has been divided into five ( 5) Economic Zones. Incidentally, I read in one book that the Father of Naga Nation A.Z. Phizo has suggested Naga Country into five States: North ,East, South,West   and Central Nagaland. This may be one of the reasons, today we read in the print media that there are different organizations like Central Naga Tribe Council, Eastern Nagaland Public Organisation etc. let us left this .

The five Economic zones  are : Peren and Dimapur area which is sometimes called rice belt of Nagaland. Southern Amgami Region specially Kuzama area where potatoes grows well. I have been told that during the peak season potatoes were sold even as low as rupees five per kg. Since potatoe is perishable item and due to lack of cold storage , most of the products are taken to Imphal where there there is facility and resold in Nagaland during offseason at Rs 20 per kg or even more. Mima Village area has potential for  honey  bee keeping business. Wokha  and and Zunheboto  area can grow passion fruit, papaya etc.  soya beans which is good not only for fermentation  (akhuani ) but good for producing soya milk which is very nourishing for health.  Mokokchung, Longleng and Tuensang zone can grow well cucumber, tomatoes, yam ,tea and  kholar which  is in great demand even in Star Hotels. Lastly,Mon and Kiphere region can grow yam, corn, maize ,tea  etc.

For all  round economic development ,good road connectivity and transportation facility is necessary. Unfortunately, Nagaland road connectivity is on the bottom among the North Eastern States. Kiphere is ranked one of the most backward Districts in India.

Therefore, Nagaland Government can take  advantage of the COVID 19 PANDEMIC and avail the financial assistance of the Government of India to improve road connectivity, healthcare system and install the corona virus testing lab in all the 11 Districts Headquarter. This will not cost much as India has developed indigenous machine which less than Rs 11 lakhs which can pay from the total allocation of Rs 652.82 crore released in two installments. Rs 51 crorer levied from Petrol and Diesel . 1% labour cess from all the construction schemes,13% deduction at source by Finance department etc. Above all,out of the Rs 20 lakh crore announced by the Honorable Prime Minister Modiji and released by the Honorable /finance minister ,there is a large junk of allocation for MSME

There are so many talented Nagas for establishment of micro enterprises. Many Nagas can now construct RCC buildings. Nagas have been constructing our own footpaths  all by voluntary labour contribution as bounden duty Even the widows contributed refreshment as she has to use the  footpath to carry paddy, agri products, carry water and firewoods for cooking. During this COVID Pandemic  THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA HAS LAVISHED LOTS OF MONEY TO ALL THE STATES AND UNION TERRITORIES. So there is no paucity of fund for economic development and health care system

Lastly, I conclude with an example of the SWEDISH MPs which is very interesting :

The Swedish MPs  has no Assistants. No  coffee. No high salaries. The Swedish Parliament has only three cars. They are used only  on  official occassions. The MPs are expected to use public transport. They are issued a yearly ticket. Until 1957, they were not paid for their job. Now, they get about SEK40,000 ($4,300) a month. This is less than a Primary School teacher’s salary.The MPs  can not raise their own salaries.Apartments are provided for those from outside Stockholm. These are one room flats of 45 square meters with no separate bedroom. The apartments have no washing machine or dishwasher. The MPs are not allowed to let their friends or members of their family to stay over. If they want to invite someone for a night over, they must pay for it.

There are no waiters in the Parliament cafeteria .Every MP buys their own food and washes the dishes after  use. by themselves. MPs have no Secretaries or Assistants Every Party gets certain allowances for Secretaries but they cannot be employed by any individual member. Swedish MPs have to plan their own schedules and answer their own calls. There are free newspapers and magazines in the Parliament building. They are there to share by by all  the  members. The Parliament has subscriptions to all leading media outlets.

While travelling,the MPs are supposed to chose the cheapest option. If they rent cars, they must chose the shortest possible routes. Any trip abroad, must cost a maximum of SEK 50,000($5,400). There is no lifetime pension for former MPs After retiement, for two years they receive 85% of their pay. However, they must still  prove that they are looking for a new job.

Regional Politicians don’t ever have salaries. Their Political work is considered public good and as such unpaid. Public service in Sweden is neither prestigious nor lucrative.

If this system is introduce in Nagaland, I wonder how many Naga Politicians will desire to contest in the coming Assembly Election Whether the ever increasing 90,584 educated unemployed youth in Nagaland are contemplating to introduce indirect system of ELECTION in Nagaland.

A few years ago,there was a system of nomination of Area Council Chairmen  in Nagaland. The public nominated the best leader to be their Area Council Chairman. This system was less expenditure, no killing ,no booth capturing, no proxy voting and very transparent I think ,the present  Chief Minister Shri Neiphiu Rio was once the  Area Council Chairman. I remember him attending Kohima District Planning and Development Board meeting. In the meeting, he could present the  problems and opinion of his area people. Since then, I was observing that one day ,this man shall become great Naga leader. You see ,my prediction has come true.

In conclusion,  I hope this article has ignited all the people of Nagaland specially the younger generation to sit down and think who you are, Why God allow you to born in this world. What  is His purpose.How do you relate this to build a clean and better Nagaland .In what economic zone you can take part and make Nagaland self sufficient. CNT has submitted a proposal for preparation of Master Plan for all the Townships in Nagaland for well plan Development of our Towns.CNT has all the qualified Engineers, Architects and City Planners. We can change the whole outlook of NAGALAND    KUKNALIM

If any reader of this article want more interaction please do so by calling  9436001594,whatsapp 8974012777 or enail: drtoshimanen.ozukum@yahoo,com   

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