Bullies branded man Batman villain and 'burns victim' because he has birth mark
by Jack LongstaffBullies likened a knife maker to a disfigured Batman villain and a burns victim because he has a birth mark and is missing one of his eyes. James Shelby, 31, has bright red port wine stain birthmarks that cover at least 30% of his body and have to him being teased by cruel bullies because of the way he looks.
James, from Gladstone, Oregon, was born with Sturge Weber Syndrome, a neurological disorder caused by a mutated gene. It means James not only has a huge birthmark across half of his face, he also has the purple patches on his left leg, arm, back and torso.
Dad-of-one James, also only has only one eye after he lost his left eye during a BB gun by accident with a friend, at the aged five, leaving him with a distinctive appearance.
James said: ‘The biggest issue I’ve had to face is being picked on all the time.

‘I have been called things like Two-Face, he’s the bad guy out of Batman, and I’ve also been called pizza face in the past. Nowadays I get asked if I’ve been burned or if I’ve had acid thrown over me.
‘It was at its worst during elementary and high school and I had to go to counseling for anger issues. I never used to lash out at everyone, I just used to bottle it all up and it did affect me mentally.
‘I held all of my feelings in and it did make me feel incredibly self-conscious.
‘I wear my birthmarks with pride and walk down the street with confidence, but I have had to live with knowing I get pointed at or stared at a lot of the time.’
Former paramedic, James, developed Sturge Weber syndrome before birth. The condition is found in around one in every 50,000 newborns. Babies affected are born with a distinctive purple birth mark on their head and face, which is often referred to as a port wine stain.

James also has just one eye after his left eye was badly injured during a BB gun accident with a friend. Aged five, James lost vision in his left eye completely following the freak event.
After losing his left eye, James was left with a half white, half purple face, an appearance classroom bullies likened to that of Batman supervillain, Two-Face. The Marvel comic book character also has just one eye and a half white, half purple face.
‘I’ve pretty much been made fun of throughout my whole life’, said James.
‘The bullying was worst when I was at school but even today I do still get picked. Most people tend to stare at me and I get little kids ask what’s wrong with my face.
‘I used to get very paranoid about walking down the street but after I left high school I learned to accept how I looked.

‘I have realized I need to ignore people more and more often, so it doesn’t bother me as much as it used to. I’ve always tried to avoid conflict where ever possible so I do tend to bottle my feelings up.
‘When someone says something I just explain why I look like I do, rather than get angry.’
James, who had a three-year-old daughter called Harley, said the port wine stains cover around 30% of the skin on his body and stretch from head to toe. The whole left side of his face is completely purple, and he also has patches of purple skin on his leg, arm, back and torso.
James did try to reduce the severity of the birthmarks in 2012, with five course of laser treatment. But James said the painful treatment did not give him the results he wanted so he stopped it altogether. Like everyone else diagnosed with Sturge Weber syndrome, James’s birth marks will grow darker as he gets older.

The condition hasn’t stopped James from living a normal life, he said but believes more should be done to increase awareness among the general public and encourage ‘acceptance’ for people with facial differences.
James added: ‘I have had to live my life knowing that people do look at me or point at me. I have to overcome these things every day of my life.
‘If people were better educated and children taught that not everyone looks the same then I think that would help stop being from being bullied like I have in the future.

‘I am singled out a lot as the odd one out but I don’t tend to think about it until someone points it out.
‘I find myself explaining to people why I am different a lot of the time. I am a confident person but that does have an effect.’